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South Beach Syrups

There isn't a line of South Beach syrups. However, since the South Beach diet doesn't promote unhealthy carbs or fat, you probably want to look into low carb, low fat syrups. Atkins has a line of syrups that is wonderful. They taste great and leave you guilt-free. They don't have any calories, fat, or carbs. You just want to be careful with how much you use, because the sugar substitute sucralose that is used has been known to cause some serious health issues.

However, if you are craving a little extra flavoring in your coffee, tea, or on your desserts some South Beach syrups are fine. Several of the desserts that the South Beach diet suggests are ricotta cremes. There are a number of websites that offer tons of variations on the basic South Beach recipe. For a special occasion, add some syrup to top it off. Don't drench it in syrup. You want just enough for a little added flavor.

Finding South Beach Syrups

When you're looking for a good variety in syrups, Atkins offers seven that will hit your sweet tooth perfectly. Choose from cherry, caramel, vanilla, raspberry, strawberry, chocolate, and hazelnut to spice up drinks, seltzer water or even breakfast foods like pancakes and waffles. Some people can get a little carried away with South Beach syrups, though. Try one or two first and see how you like them.

I did that once with popcorn toppings. I found a website that had all these zero carbs, zero fat shake-on toppings like ranch, chocolate marshmallow, jalapeno, and butter. They also suggested using them on potatoes or waffles. I though it was the most brilliant thing I had ever heard. I ordered about four different flavors. Well, that was about three years ago and I just threw out my last shaker the other day. The lesson here is to try a little and see if you like it before you spend your money.

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