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Low Carb Cookies

How many of you would love to know that there were low carb cookies out there that tasted just like the real thing, but with less guilt? Well, they exist. Not all taste just like the real thing, but they aren't bad by any means. Cookies low in carbs can help curb cravings while not breaking a diet.

Baking Low Carb Cookies

If you are anything of a baker, you might want to make your own low carb cookies. This will allow you to control the ingredients. You know exactly what is going in your batter. In addition, if you don't like the result, you can add more of an ingredient to get the right taste that you will you enjoy. Most of the carbs in cookies come from the sugar. The more refined the sugar is, the more your blood sugar will spike.

In order to cut back on carbs in cookies, other healthier ingredients are added. Instead of sugar, you might be asked to use molasses or a sugar substitute. Fruit juice is a popular ingredient now to sweeten cookies and other baked desserts. When making chocolate chip cookies, use crumbled up pieces of a sugar free chocolate bar. If you have never had one of these bars, you'd be surprised at how good they taste.

If you aren't much of a baker, you can find low carb cookies in almost every grocery store. I suggest staying away from the ones labeled no carbs. They probably don't taste very good and may have some unhealthy ingredients. Check the nutrition label and compare it with that of the regular cookies. See which things have been added and which have been taken away. Then make your decision

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