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How To Get Slim - Whats Your Big Fat Story?

How to Get Slim   -   What\'s Your Big Fat Story?

One of the biggest obstacles to our success when we are learning how to get slim is our 'big fat story' - the story that you keep repeating to yourself or others about why it is impossible for you to lose the weight or how the weight protects you in some way from past pain or abuse that you still carry around with you today.

Now I'm not saying for a minute that your story isn't a very real one or that past pain and abuse shouldn't be acknowledged but do you really want the story that you are carrying around with you stopping you from getting the results that you really desire?

So what might make up your 'big fat story'? This can be any type of deep belief that you have or something that you frequently tell other people about why you are overweight. Here are some examples:

  • My job is too stressful and I just can't help eating to get me through my projects...
  • My whole family is fat, it just in my genes...
  • I hardly eat a thing but I still can't lose weight. I must have a really slow metabolism...
  • I can't help myself, I'm addicted to chocolate / sugar / carbs...
  • It is just too hard and I don't have the discipline

You get the picture - I'm sure there are as many stories as there are people as we all have our own unique take on life but whatever yours is, you can learn how to get slim with a simple but very effective exercise to help your story become just what it is - a story and not your current reality.

Get a pen and paper and write down your story. It doesn't have to be long and it doesn't have to be expertly written. It just needs to reflect what you have been telling yourself or others for years about the reasons why you cant lose weight.

Now when you have got all of it down, I want you to read it over and over and over until you can see it for exactly what it is - a story. If it is a painful one, you may get upset reading it at first but I want you to be strong and keep going over it until it loses its power over you and you almost become bored with it. Whatever your story is, it is now time to leave it in the past and create a new, positive one about how successful you can be.

Once you can start to let go of this old story and associated pain, you can start learning how to become slim by attracting the body and life you deserve without any of the old unwanted emotional baggage holding you back. A simple but powerful exercise to get you on the right track for positive and lasting change.

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