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A Diet Solution That Makes You Lose Weight

Many seriously ask the question, how to eat to lose weight but not cause harm to your health. In order to eat right and lose weight, follow these tips and pretty soon those extra pounds will melt away and your life will change!

1. Chipsy, nuts, crackers, cheap soy sausages, yogurt with additives and other such products to use is not recommended. "Chemistry", which is contained in a meal, is not only harmful to the body, but can cause weight gain. Some people complain that literally "swelling" after the next pack of nuts, hamburger or "strawberry" curds.

2. To eat right and lose weight, eliminate spicy food from your diet, because spicy foods increases appetite, which means that, having reached fullness, you go there, feeling hungry. Salt from the diet, too, must be virtually eliminated. Add some salt meat, of course, possible, but the consumption of salt in large quantities is harmful to the body. And yet, when you try to go without salt, you'll notice that you have immediately lost 2.1 kilograms of excess weight in a couple of days.

3. Eat much fresh food. Vegetables and cereals are best soaked in water overnight and in the morning just to bring to a boil. Include in your diet salad with greens, apples, carrots, cabbage. Food should be optimally combined between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Do not forget about vitamins and minerals, without which good health is impossible. Most high-calorie and tasty foods usually contain a large amount of light for the assimilation of carbohydrates and fats.

Carbohydrates provide energy, help you to live actively, but the amount of carbohydrates consumed and the amount of energy used most often are not equal. In order not to consume too many carbohydrates it should be eliminated from baking, replace white bread with rye. Carbohydrates are found in sugary foods, so you should have (and drink) less sweet. But there are times when you want something sweet. One small BITTER chocolate will satisfy cravings for sweets and give the necessary energy brain.

Most of the fat is absorbed easily and remain in the body, so try to eat foods low in fat. So you not only save the slender figure for many years, but maintain a healthy digestive organs responsible for the breakdown of fats. It is better to choose light mayonnaise (in which the mass fraction of fat is only 30% to 67% of the fat in a classic mayonnaise), and with care to consume fat-containing products. Fats and oils high in calories: 100 grams of butter are about 750 calories in the melted butter 880 calories, and lard - 840 calories.

Thus, proper nutrition should not be a burden for you. Remember, this is your life! Eat fresh, a variety of foods in moderate amounts, and excess weight gone forever!

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