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What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight? Quick Ways To Lose Weight

Everyone is wondering what is the best way to lose weight? There are so many diet plans around and each one claiming to be the be all end all of diet programs. Many make scientific claims about their program and how they are scientifically going to help you lose a bazillion pounds in five days. Well as someone that's tried almost EVERY popular diet in existence there is NO holy grail when it comes to diets. Below we'll outline some quick ways to lose weight as well as plans for people who want long term steady weight loss.

Diet Choice: First is choosing a diet. If you want a long term plan you will be looking for something that fits into your lifestyle. A common mistake people make is choosing a diet just because they think they can lose 30 pounds in a month. What usually happens is it's so hard to stick to that they quit and lose no weight.

If you are just trying to lose a few quick pounds and don't plan to be on the diet for long then you can try one of those fad diets like the cookie diet, banana diet or 3 day diet just to name a few. You won't be on it long and it's just for some quick results. It's not realistic to be on long term so don't even think about it. If your goal is a more long term steady loss then pick a diet that matches up with your lifestyle, social schedule and food preferences. It may be atkins, south beach or weight watchers.

Choosing your diet is the MOST important part when finding the best way to lose weight. Diet is more important than exercise or anything else.

Quick Weight Loss Diets:
3 day diet
Master Cleanse
Mayo Diet
Banana Diet
Most Cleanses

You must do more research on these diets to see which one fits your personality and schedule best. Remember that these are short term diets to lose weight quickly.

Losing More Than 100 Pounds: If you need to lose a hundred pounds plus you may need to take more drastic measures such as the lap band. These are intensive procedures and should only be performed if you've given a realistic shot at traditional natural weight loss methods. Diet pills could also be an option for those needing to lose a substantial amount of weight with additional aid.
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