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I Need To Lose Weight But Where Do I Begin?

"I need to lose weight but I find it so difficult" this was the cry from my friend. So what had happened that caused her to utter those words? There are many different reasons and situations in life that bring us to this point but for this person the thought of turning 40 had made her stop and think.

Whatever life event has brought you to this conclusion, why is it that some people succeed in their health and fitness goals, and some fail?

You say "I need to lose weight", but how much do you really want it?

Basically it comes down to your motivation and that could be anything from just wishful thinking through to a deep down desire which can drive some to extremes in their quest to lose weight.

So how much do you really want to achieve your goal of losing weight? What are you prepared to change to see this happen? How strong is your desire to get fit and lose weight?

It's all very easy to say "I wish I had more energy" or "I wish I was slimmer" or "I wish my bum didn't look so big in this" or more seriously "I wish I wasn't scared to have my blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked".

All of these thoughts and feelings naturally lead you to the conclusion that you must start to take better care of your body by making more of an effort to eat healthily and exercise more.

That's fine for a while but staying motivated and on track can be hard work; therefore you need to set yourself some goals.

"I need to lose weight but how do I get started?"

You may feel that you have over the past years let yourself go. Therefore take this opportunity to answer the following questions.

What do I want to achieve over the next three months in terms of:

1. Fitness Levels

2. Health

3. Weight Loss

4. Inch loss

5. Increased energy

6. Sleep

7. Confidence

I strongly recommend that you write the answers down, don't just leave them in your head. Make sure that what you want to achieve in the next three months is realistic and achievable, set yourself up to succeed.

Not feeling happy with how you look makes you feel bad, and when you feel bad, you eat. Accepting yourself the way you are right now will empower you to make change possible.

Self acceptance is one of the most crucial things you can do in regaining control of your eating it's also one of the hardest. Take the plunge, bite the bullet and do it.

"I need to lose weight but what's the solution?"

Start by making a small positive change in your eating habit today. Making small changes every single day will over time have a big influence on your weight and your health.

Follow a healthy and balance diet eating from a wide variety of foods, don't always eat the same things week in and week out.

Get yourself an exercise plan that you can realistically continue to follow as part of a healthier lifestyle and that way you will get the results you want as well as seeing your energy levels rise and your stress levels fall.
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