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What Do Tips To Lose Weight Fast and Sex Have in Common?

I was 20 years old, and Lisa, on my college gymnastics team, was one of the hottest-looking girls you could imagine.

A slim, tight body, followed by a beautiful face and bubbly personality. To say the other guys on the team had the hots for her was just a slight understatement. In fact, one of the guys on the team was her boyfriend. And since she was "taken" I never hit on her, out of respect.

One night, on a balmy summer afternoon, as I was driving home from school, I decided to stop by Lisa's house just to say hi. As she opened the door, I was pleasantly surprised to see her in her short shorts and a midriff-revealing tank top. I tried hard not to let my eyes wander as her face lit up when she saw it was me.

I told her I was on my way home from school and thought I'd stop by to say hi, so she invited me in and we sat down on her couch to talk. The topic revolved around her friend who was overweight, and if I had any tips to lose weight fast I could pass on. Back then I didn't know nearly as much as I know now about how to lose weight fast, but I did have a few tips to lose weight fast I gave her.

I don't usually drink, even back then in college, but I offered to go get us some beer as I said I was thirsty too. She said, "Sure!" with a big smile I'll never forget...

Walking across the street I said to myself, "nothing is going to happen, she's got a boyfriend, I'm just here to say hi, and we're only going to have a couple of drinks and then I'll high-tail it out of there."

When I got back she had changed into a slightly sexier outfit, but I feigned I didn't notice. In the back of my mind I started to think about what was starting to shape up here... and I kept thinking about her boyfriend, who was my friend.

A couple of beers each later, and we're on the floor practicing some gymnastics moves. I'm lifting her over my head, our bodies connecting, more beer flowing, more touching, hearts racing, mind wandering, eyes locking, lips touching... Can I leave the rest to your imagination?

Lisa, fast weight loss tips, and sex... all on the agenda one late summer afternoon a long time ago...

What does this have to do with you, my dear friend and reader?


Did you know sex can burn lots of calories? I calculated that Lisa and I burned close to 500 calories each that memorable summer afternoon. And what a way to burn calories, huh?

Here's what else I want to help you with...

Eliminating Confusion!

Lisa's friend just didn't know much about losing fat, so I gave Lisa my best tips to lose weight fast I had at the time. But the world is filled with information (and even more mis-information).

For instance, in researching writing this article, the first 2 websites/blogs I came across had these things to say (all patently false - so don't follow, just learn):

Top 5 Cardiovascular Activities

Power walking (at home and at the gym - they couldn't even come up with a real 5th activity and had to differentiate by saying "home" or "gym"), swimming, yoga, dancing.

Folks, these "activities" are not even close to the best cardiovascular activities you can do. They're actually probably the easiest ones you can do. EASY DOES NOT EQUATE TO "TOP" or "BEST". If it's too easy then you're not going to get much benefit out of it, and you're going to wonder why you still cannot lose weight/fat.

Unfortunately, the TOP cardiovascular activities involve "discomfort". There, I said it. Listen, the real deal to getting into TOP shape involves "effort". Some "huffing and puffing" is going to be expected.

If all you can do due to your limited physical abilities is one of the above "recommended" activities, then by all means do them. But don't expect any kind of miraculous changes to happen to your body.


Even the best exercises in the world CANNOT overcome a bad diet. A bad diet will cancel out every single exercise tips to lose weight fast you can conjure up. And when I say, "bad diet", it can be as simple as your calories in being greater than the calories you burn on a daily basis.

In fact, the #1 Most Important Tips To Lose Weight Fast should always start with this recommendation:

You M-U-S-T Track Your Daily Caloric Intake!

If you don't, you're on the surest path to failure you can imagine. Even I (not special by any means, but certainly just a little bit knowledgeable about the foods I should be eating to lose weight fast), cannot lose weight/fat if I do not track my calories EVERY SINGLE DAY.

You want the harsh reality of the truth? Then there it is gentlemen and gentlewomen. "Don't track... don't lose."

Now, maintenance is altogether another thing. Once you reach your goal weight then you could possibly let up on the tracking for two reasons.

Over the course of time it took you to get in shape (by tracking your daily caloric intake), you've come to learn what the right foods are to eat, but also...

You've trained your "eyes" to recognize the approximate portions of those foods that should be sitting on your plate too.

If you keep eating the same foods and "eyeball" your portion sizes, you'll probably be able to maintain your weight. But if it starts creeping back up again... you now know what to do to get started making progress again. Just review your daily calorie log to see how many calories it takes for YOU to lose weight/fast.
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