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Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly - Get In Shape In 2009

If you search for exercises to lose weight quickly on the internet, you will be bombarded by advertisements for dietary supplements, fat burners and diet "secrets".

The claims that these companies make should be considered false advertising.

In the US, the FTC does provide guidelines for consumers that are overweight. One of the things that they suggest is to avoid companies that make exaggerated claims. But, they don't shut the companies down for those claims. It's "let the buyer beware", as far as they are concerned.

Here are some of the ads that I saw recently, when, out of curiosity, I did a search for exercises to lose weight quickly. If these ads are true, apparently, you can lose:

1. 18 pounds in four days
2. 20 pounds in two weeks
3. 25 pounds in two weeks

The first one seemed to be the most unrealistic, so I clicked on the link. I was kind of surprised when I found that it is a $27 diet plan that sounds relatively healthy. Of course, without paying the $27, I can't tell for sure.

The second advertisement was for Acai berry, the latest "miracle pill" for dieters. There is no doubt that berries of all kinds are super foods. If you aren't eating them, then you should start.

Berries of different colors contain different antioxidants, which help prevent oxidation of the cells of the human body. In other words, they slow down the aging process. But, do they help people get rid of excessive fat?

Generally speaking, any time that you ate fresh berries, instead of less healthy food, you would be doing some good things for your body.

But, as with claims concerning specific exercises to lose weight quickly, the claims concerning Acai berry supplements are probably exaggerated.

The last ad was for a supplement called "phosphacore", an expensive new diet pill. You probably know, as well as I do, that diet pills don't work. If you want to lose pounds, you need to create a "calorie deficit". You either need to eat fewer calories than you burn or burn more calories by increasing your level of physical activity.

While there are no specific exercises to lose weight quickly, combining aerobic activity with strength building or muscle building movements will work. The aerobic activity helps you burn some extra calories, while you are moving around. The muscle building movements allow you to burn more calories when you are at rest.

To achieve the most success, you need a complete plan that includes retraining your mind and how you think about food. The plan should also include efforts to change your habits. If you are very overweight and do not have some kind of glandular disorder, then you are not moving around enough.

There are some supplements that can help increase your energy levels and reduce toxins in your body. There are also specific foods that help you build muscle. The bottom line is that exercises to lose weight quickly are not the only things that you need to learn about.
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