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Does Green Tea Help You Lose Weight?

Green tea refers to a type of tea, which is made with Camellia sinensis leaves that have
gone through minimal oxidation at the time of processing. The tea has originates from
the Chinese mainland and is associated with several cultures across Asia, including
Japan, South Korea as well as Middle East. In the recent times, its popularity has seen
a tremendous upsurge in the Western markets as well. Several varieties of this tea
are grown, which may substantially differ due to difference in horticulture, growing
conditions, production processing, as well as harvesting time.

Several tests have been conducted on green, for determining its long term health benefits.
Some studies suggest that people, who consume green tea on a regular basis, have
a lower chance of heart diseases, as well as certain kinds of cancer. It is also said to
improve the metabolism rate, and helps in fat oxidation, thereby helping in weight loss.
According to some studies, green tea has also been found to have a higher content of
flavonoids, than many other foods, which have been traditionally considered to be good
for health, such as fresh fruits or vegetable juices. Flavonoids have anticarcinogenic and
anti-oxidative functions, which are good for health.

In recent times, green tea extracts have come up as the latest buzz and has become very
popular among people who are conscious about their health. Green tea extract refers
to a derivative from the leaves of green tea. It contains antioxidant ingredients, which
mainly consists of GTC i.e. green tea catechins.

Green tea extracts are of various types, such as Strong infusions, Soft extracts, Dry
extracts and partly purified extracts. The chief antioxidative ingredient of green tea
extract is GTC, i.e. green tea catechin. It comprises of 4 epicatechin derivatives, i.e.
epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epigallocatechin gallate and epicatechin gallate. The other
components of these extracts include 3 types of flavonoids, i.e. kaempferol, myricetin and

The extract of green tea is said to be around twenty times higher in antioxidant properties
than in case of Vitamin C. It displays better antioxidant protection than vitamin E as
well. The scavenging effects of the lipid free-radicals of polyphenols of such extracts is
also clearly visible and is believed to be around fifty times higher than extracts of ginkgo

However, it is the anticarcinogenic properties of these extracts, which have made it so
popular in the recent times. According to some studies, Green tea extract has displayed
inhibitory effect on the cancer cells. Along with that, these extracts have also been found
to have anti-inflammatory properties as well.

Managing your health is vital. That is why we eagerly encourage people try out green tea extract diet because it has proven to rejuvenate the health of many individuals.

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