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Can Knowing Your ‘Dosha’ Assist You To Lose Weight?

Similar to the humors theory of ancient Greece: of stabilising the 4 elements within your system in order to keep healthy; dosha focuses on balancing the natural forces of air, water, fire, earth and spirit.

By knowing which element you are, you can stop instabilities in your body and mind that can cause illness and eventually weight gain.

Kinds of Dosha

There are 3 forms of dosha’s:

· Vata – if you are a vata, you are generally skinny and struggle to put on weight. This means you get fatigued quickly and should not overdo things

Meals you can have: rice, wheat, cooked oats, avocado, banana, berry, cherry, grape, mango, melon, orange, peaches, plum, pineapple, asparagus, carrot, green beans, okra, sweet potato, almonds, red lentils, tofu, chicken, turkey and seafood

· Pitta – if you are a pitta you are usually medium sized and healthy, have a great digestive system and should not have a heavy fluid lunches.

Meals you can have: dairy products, coconut, soy, barley, oats, wheat, white rice, apple, avocado, cherry, figs, mango, melon, pear, pomegranates, prunes, raisins, asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, green bean, peas, potatoes, sprouts, squash, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chicken, egg whites, turkey and shrimp

· Kapha – traditionally stout with a big frame, decent physical power and stamina, kapha’s tend to be slow eaters and have a slow digestive system

Nutrients you can incorporate into your weight loss plan: honey, almonds, corn, sunflower oil, barley, millet, rye, apple, apricot, cranberry, dried fruits, pears, pomegranate, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, poultry and all fish except shellfish

There are numerous tests you can take on the internet which can help you to find out which dosha you belong to. However if this kind of diet does not interest you and you are more passionate about searching for a healthy, quality solution for shifting weight then adding a fat loss pill into your diet can help.

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