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Can eating a healthy breakfast help you lose weight?

The saying suggests ‘Eat breakfast like a Queen, lunch like a princess and dinner like a pauper’ and it is correct! According to recent studies by the American Dietetic Association beginning your day with a calorie controlled breakfast can have a huge affect on your capacity to experience weight loss.

However although all these statistics point to the contrary, over 33% of slimmer’s still think that skipping breakfast can help them to lose weight, when the sad reality is: missing breakfast can cause weight gain!

A 1994 study for instance found that children who miss out on breakfast are twice as likely to become obese in the future than children who regularly ingest breakfast…

So what are you to do?

Avoid the peer pressure to comsume fewer nutrients and recognise why introducing a hearty breakfast into your eating habits, can in fact aid you to benefit from:

1. Boosted energy levels – a good breakfast can quickly jumpstart your metabolic rate (after your evening ‘fast’) and create the momentum of your fat usuage for the whole day. Without a constant supply of glucose, your brain cannot perform effectively leaving you feelingfatigued, grumpy and restless.

2. Lowered bad cholesterol levels – according to research by the University of Nottingham has discovered, skipping breakfast can contribute to increased LDL levels due to unhealthy dietary choices for the rest of the day. Yet, choose to eat a hearty breakfast overflowing in fibre including oatmeal, strawberries and citrus fruits i.e. apples and you can quickly decrease your bad cholesterol levels and keep them under control.

• Boost weight loss –a report by the National Weight Control Registry has divulged that up to 80% of dieters who lose 30 pounds or more ingest breakfast on a daily basis

• Improved work activity – decide to consume breakfast each day and you can witness sharper concentration, improved memory retention and increased problem-solving abilities

Of course, all of these health bonuses only really applies if you can avoid the temptation of ingesting buttered pastries, fried bacon and foods that contain high glucose, fat and calories…

To experience credible weight loss you must try to fill up on a good, healthy breakfast cereal where you can easily add bananas, apples, mango, natural yoghurts, low fat milk and oatmeal into your toppings – basically everything you need to enhance your metabolic rate.

Yet, should you find that you struggle to eat a breakfast every day; the support of a dietary pill such as Proactol can help you to escape the temptations of unhealthy eating habits and still lose weight. Proven to cut your dietary fat content by 28% whilst curbing your cravings, Proactol can help you to decrease your calorie intake by 450 calories a day; limit your naughty cravings and decrease your cholesterol levels.

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