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Enjoy the Benefits of Increased Fiber and Lose Weight

The eating of fiber to promote good health is not a new concept. Studies have shown that when adjusted for differences in lifestyle, increasing fiber intake by 10 grams per day lowers the risk of adverse coronary events (heart attacks) by 12% and coronary deaths (really bad heart attacks) by 19%. These reports have also pointed-out that obese individuals tend to consume more triglyceride and less fiber than do normal weight individuals. Strangely there appears to be little or no difference in the energy intake between the obese and normal weight individuals that were studied. A review of the scientific literature indicates that by increasing daily fiber intake by 14 grams per day will cause a 10% reduction in energy intake and consequently body weight. It may not be surprising to learn that, reduction in weight due to an increased eating of fiber is more striking in obese or overweight than in normal weight individuals. Despite the documented advantageous effects of dietary fiber, the average adult daily intake in the USA is about one-half the recommended level. Popular diet plans like Atkins and South Beach further exacerbate this situation. With this in mind it could be argued that any means by which the dietary fiber consumption is increased is good for the health of the public.

Fiber is not broken down and absorbed in the small bowel. Fibers are considered to be soluble if they dissolve in water while others are insoluble if, you guessed it, they do not dissolve in water. Mirafit fbcx is a new soluble dietary fiber. Health food stores, pharmacies and supermarkets, not to mention from a plethora of websites have countless fiber containing products available for consumers and there is no reason to believe that they are not all good sources of fiber, however there is no evidence in the medical literature that the recommended doses of any of these products promote weight loss. Mirafit fbcx is the only one that has been shown to form a non-digestible complex with nine times its own weight in dietary fat.

At 9 kcal per gram, triglyceride is the most energy dense food that we consume. A typical North American diet contains 90-100 grams of lipid which is a little less than 35% of our daily energy requirements. This makes triglyceride an obvious target for weight management. Mirafit fbcx is a fiber that, when taken as directed, will reduce the daily caloric availability, of people eating a routine diet, by about 30-40%.

The fibers that have been sold for weight management and are/were available as food supplements include: chitosan, pectin, methylcellulose, guar gum, psyllium and now Mirafit fbcx.

Chitosan is prepared from the powdered crustacean shells (prawns, crabs and squid pens). It has been suggested that chitosan binds dietary lipid thus preventing its absorption; unfortunately this claim, according to the scientific and medical literature, has been shown to be without merit.

Pectin has been claimed to cause a feeling of fullness and thus causing weight reduction by curbing appetite. The most credible study in the literature found pectin to have no effect on weight reduction while other researchers have been unable to find any evidence that pectin reduces appetite.

Methylcellulose has been suggested to swell in the stomach, causing a feeling of fullness thus reducing appetite. In a short-term, high dose study it was found to have no obvious effects on weight loss in test subjects.

Guar gum, in 11 published trials, was found to be inadequate in reducing body weight. Furthermore, it was banned by the FDA in 1992 the FDA for use in diet products because it, “.was found to be neither safe nor effective.” In support of their decision the FDA cited numerous reports that guar gum posed a health hazard due to the formation of blockages in the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Guar gum is approved for use in small doses and for purposes other than weight reduction.

Psyllium is derived from the the husks of the Plantago ovata (aren’t you glad you asked) and has been credited with lowing serum glucose, triglyceride, total and LDL cholesterol and raising HDL cholesterol in a study that involved three 5g doses per day. However, psyllium has not been found to have any significant effect on weight reduction.

Mirafit fbcx is a well-studied fiber that we have found a new use for. We have conducted a placebo controlled, double-blind clinical trial in an obese (BMI>30kg/m2) diabetic population. Data from this study demonstrates that Mirafit fbcx significantly reversed the chronic weight gain in the active group while the placebo group continued to gain mass throughout the study. In addition, the members of the test group that began the study with high blood lipid levels effectively lowered both their total and LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglyceride levels . A subsequent study conducted with over weight but not obese non-diabetic volunteers demonstrated significant weight reduction during the active phase of the study. This is data is exciting as this is the first study to report significant weight loss without putting the volunteers on a low calorie diet. This study also demonstrated improved glycemic control and a lowering of blood total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Mirafit fbcx is easily tolerated by humans, is effective at relatively low levels and has no known adverse side effects. Two Mirafit fbcx tablets per fat-containing meal, six tablets per day, effectively binds and elliminates 54 grams or 500 calories of dietary fat.

Some of the commonly available fiber supplements have demonstrated positive effects on blood lipid levels but none to the that Mirafit fbcx has and none, other than Mirafit fbcx, have demonstrated significant effects on weight reduction. Mirafit fbcx not only has positive effects on blood lipid levels but also on body weight reduction and management.


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