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Common And Major Causes For Women’s Hair Loss

Everyone understands very well that hair loss for men is a very difficult condition to deal with. But women’s hair loss is equally traumatizing and even devastating. Women’s hair loss is a major problem all over the world. For women, and much moreso in Western countries, hair loss is extremely embarrassing and causes immense emotional pain. Our society places a premium on women having luxurious and beautiful hair, no matter how old or young they may be. The processes of balding and thinning are very difficult for a woman to cope with. The frequency of hair loss is the same for women and men. Continue reading to find out the reasons for certain kinds of female hair loss.

First, we’d like to mention that medications that some women take will have a direct impact on her ability to keep her hair. Chemotherapy is a procedure that very many women take, especially for breast cancer, and that will certainly induce hair loss. Chemical interaction between the female body and other medications will cause this to happen, as well. In other cases, the hair will not always fall out. What happens is the hair growth is stopped, so it’s not a case of falling out. This can make it look like a woman is suffering from hair loss when she is actually suffering from no hair growth. However she will still seem to be experiencing hair loss to those who don’t know any better. Female hormones can cause this kind of situation, as well. When a woman’s hormones get out of whack a number of things can happen. Things such as weight changes, or mood shifts, and of course changes in energy levels. As far as hair is concerned, there can be thinning, loss, or it can stop growing. If you notice changes in any of these areas over time, then of course the best thing to do is see your family doctor. Of course tests can be performed on your chemistry, and then appropriate action can be taken.

Unfortunately, genetic influence is a major leading reason for hair loss in women. It depends on who in your family carries the gene, so it’s possible to get a good idea about whether or not you will become susceptible. This is hard for many women to accept because it is one of the few causes of women’s hair loss that they can do nothing about. Women who fall into this category suffer from high levels of humiliation. These women have no choice but to try to hide their condition, and hair transplants may be not be a good option, either. It is a fact that hair loss in women is not as widely known or covered as it is for men. It’s a fact that women experience this condition in equal numbers as men. There are so many conditions and causes for hair loss in females. But these are some of the more well known causes.

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