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What teas to drink to burn off the fat while you lose weight

White Tea

As with all of the other teas we’ve already discussed, white tea also comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, as practically all teas do. The key distinction between white tea plus the other teas is that the white tea leaves are picked and harvested at a younger age than the other tea leaves. Whereas black tea is totally fermented and green tea is partly fermented, white tea is just not fermented at all, helping it to retain far more of its advantageous antioxidants.

Some studies have shown that due to this “no fermentation”, white tea has a concentration of antioxidants that is 3 x’s increased than green tea, producing it an extremely healthy choice for drinking as component of any healthy eating plan. Not merely that, it is a wise selection for those that are sensitive to caffeine. It only contains 15 mg of caffeine per cup, a lot lower than the 20-30 mg you get from green tea, and 40-60 mg you get from black tea.

But what about fat loss? Does it include the same fat burning properties as green tea and wu-long tea?

White tea has been shown to promote fat burning in the physique by stopping cells from storing body fat. White tea’s caffeine content also does enable to stimulate the metabolism (devoid of causing any jitters). But I will reiterate that white tea’s greatest claim to fame is still its really high antioxidant content material, generating its fat burning properties secondary and not as effective as the fat burning properties discovered in Wu-long tea.

Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea (pronounced “roy-boss) is usually a perfect selection for those seeking NO caffeine at all. Rooibos, also known as “red bush”, doesn’t come from the Camellia sinensis tea plant as all the other previously talked about teas do. Instead, it comes from the Aspalathus linearis plant which is native only to South Africa.

Rooibos tea has been identified to include some outstanding wellness added benefits without ANY caffeine. It has been shown to increase the immune method, treat hay fever, asthma and eczema, relieve stomach cramps and colic in infants and tremendously enable those individuals who endure from heartburn.

As with white tea, like a cup or two of rooibos tea into your healthy eating strategy will bring you some unbelievable benefits, nevertheless it just isn’t widely recognized or employed for fat burning and weight reduction. So take pleasure in your rooibos tea for its immune boosting properties, not for accelerating fat burning.

Oh, and did I mention it also happens to be totally delicious?

I extremely encourage you to experiment and attempt all the varieties of teas we’ve covered and discover which 1 suits you very best. A bit raw honey, stevia or xylitol added to sweeten your tea will assist make it a healthy substitute to any sugar filled drinks or those calorie laden “fancy coffee drinks” that numerous persons are at present addicted to.

Author of Weight Loss Easy Program, also a certified nutritionist and personal trainer. Click to discover more tips about weight loss and diet.

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