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Weight Reduction With Resistance Training

Resistance training routines are designed to make your muscles forcibly contract by making them work against a form of resistance or weight. The result will be increased muscle mass and tone, which will make you have a reduced body fat composition. With an increased composition of muscle, your body will burn more calories, because the caloric requirement of muscle is far greater than that of fat. That being said, it is clear that if you are on a quick weight loss program, weight training will be beneficial to you.

What benefits do you derive from resistance training? As a start, it increases your body density, increases muscle mass, and lowers your blood pressure. Let’s compare this to the benefits of aerobic exercise. Aerobic training increases the strength of your heart and lungs and improves blood circulation.

Engaging in both of these types of exercise is beneficial, especially when combined with a healthy diet. Each week include all three elements in your overall weight loss and fat burning program. By incorporating both of these forms of exercise into your regimen and eating a healthy diet, you will be well on your way to achieving rapid weight loss.

To receive the full benefit from resistance training, you must follow a routine that exercises all of your muscle groups. To begin, you should choose two exercises for each muscle group, and do two sets of ten to twelve repetitions for each exercise.

If you can warm up for ten minutes prior to starting your resistance training. Stretching and riding a stationary bicycle are good exercises to warm up with. In addition, confer with your medical practitioner prior to commencing with a resistance training regimen.

Here are some exercises targeted specifically for certain muscle groups.

To exercise your chest or pectoral muscles, do push ups and flat or inclined bench presses.

For your back you can do lat pull downs, and dumbbell rows.

To exercise your shoulders, do overhead dumbbell presses and seated barbell presses. To hit your biceps, you can do preacher curls with a barbell and seated dumbbell curls. To exercise your triceps, you can do reverse extensions with dumbbells and barbell presses with your hands gripping the bar close together. For your lower body do squats, and lunges. To exercise your abdominal muscles, you can do crunches and sit ups.

Give you muscles a day to recuperate between work outs. On days when you are not doing weight training you can do some cardiovascular exercise. Concentrate on form. If possible have a trainer watch you while you lift your weights to insure you are using the correct form. Over time, you will progress, and then you can gradually increase the amount of weight you use. Once you get to about fourteen repetitions, it’s time to increase the weight. After you can do about fifteen repetitions comfortably, increase the amount of weight you use.

Follow this routine for about six weeks, and then find another routine, using different exercises. Try not to rest for more than one minute between sets, this will help you burn fat.

This will get you started on your way to a more toned and healthy body.

To learn how to maintain your losses for the long term go to: hemp seed weight loss

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