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Using Ephedrine for Weight Loss

Ephedrine is a naturally occuring central nervous system stimulant obtained from the plant Ephedra equisetina. Ephedrine is produced by chemical synthesis, the synthetic product being marketed in the form of its salt, ephedrine sulfate; it occurs as a white crystalline powder with a bitter taste, soluble in water and very soluble in alcohol. Ephedrine / ephedra’s peripheral stimulant actions are similar to but less powerful than those of epinephrine (also called adrenaline), a hormone produced in the body by the adrenal glands.

Ephedrine has been used as a sports supplement and dietary aid. It will increase energy while decreasing appetite, making it an ideal supplement for those looking at boosting sports performance or weight loss. In addition to it’s energy boosting effects, ephedrine can also boost your metabolic rate which increases your body’s ability to burn fat.,
Ephedra is the source of the alkaloid ephedrine. It has been traditionally used in traditional Chinese medicines, and is often used as a bronchodilator.
Ephedrine is not only used as an oral nasal decongestant but also as an effective fat fighter. It is found in cough medicines as well as fat-burning supplements. Ephedrine / ephedra is very effective at suppressing your appetite and increasing your metabolic rate.
80% of weight loss through ephedrine / ephedra is through it’s ability to curb cravings and to increase metabolism (by approx. 3-5%). Some users find that adding 200 mg of caffeine will create a more thermogenic effect. You may also add up to 300 mg of aspirin which may help to prolong the effects created by the other two ingredients. This is called an ECA (ephedrine / ephedra, caffeine, aspirin) stack.
If you combine the use of ephedrine / ephedra with a proper diet including high-quality protein (lean beef, game meat, lean chicken, eggs, fish, and whey), essential fats (nuts, seeds, flaxseed oil, fish oils, and krill oil), and fibre-rich carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, whole grains), you will be able to reach your goal and more importantly, keep the weight off. Always remember to drink lots of water! It is also important to always eat breakfast, and to take your last serving at least 5-6 hrs before you go to bed.
As a rule of thumb, it is recommended that you do not ephedrine / ephedra for more than 7 consecutive days. Some people take them for 5 straight days on and 2 days off, some opt for a 2 days on followed by 2 days off, or 2 weeks straight followed by one week off. As our body adjusts and becomes tolerant to supplements, it is always best to cycle them on and off.
Ephedrine is not to be used by people with heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disease, enlarged prostate, anxiety and restlessness or glaucoma, people taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors or women who are pregnant or lactating.
Do not exceed the recommended dosage or take for more than 7 consecutive days except on the advice of a physician.
Warning: Keep out of reach of children. Not for use by individuals under the age of 18. Do not use if pregnant or nursing or at risk of being treated for high blood pressure, heart disease, renal disease, hyperthyroidism, spasms, psychiatric disease, suffer from migraines, are allergic to tyramine or choclate, have asthma or are taking asthma medication. Ephedrine should not be used by anyone with any health conditions. Buy ephedrine at your own risk and consult with a physician prior to use and discontinue use immediately if any adverse effects ranging from dizziness, tremors, headaches and heart rate irregularities to seizures, psychosis, heart attacks and strokes are experienced.

Diane trains 5 times a week at Bally’s Gym in Orange County. A long-time fitness enthusiast, she recommends that youbuy ephedrine and eca stacks from Astronutrition.

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