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4 Tips How You Lose Weight During Sleep

When putting on weight most people start the usual things. Go on a diet and join a gym. This is a great idea however it’s not all you can do. Did you know that your sleep might have a big effect on your unwanted weight? Did you sleep well tonight? Are you rested every day of the week? If you answered ‘no’, chances are, that your sleeping pattern have a negative impact on your weight.

While your eating behaviour will impact your body weight, so will your sleeping pattern too! The reason behind this is your hormone balance. Your hormones do impact the whole body, your mood and also your weight. The more balanced your hormones are, the better you feel and the better will your body react to diets. Your daily sleep has a big impact on your hormones and not getting enough or good quality sleep will result in a bad hormone balance. Try some easy steps today to have a better night sleep.

Let things go

There are a lot of stuff that stress you out every day. Many times it is really tough to let them go and especially if lying in bed at night times your thoughts get constantly drawn to solve problems or to make plans for tomorrow. While this alone is a topic to fill books, there are two easy steps you can try tonight to get this under control. Plan your day on a piece of paper before you go to bed and leave it on the kitchen table. When in bed, lie on your back, relax your body and try to think of nothing. Now, this won’t work 100% because your mind will start to wonder but all you do in that case is to stay calm and push that though away. Think of nothing again. The key here is to practice this every night and to remain calm no matter how many times your thoughts wander off.

No exercises 2 hours before bed time

While workouts are great and necessary during the day, you should really avoid doing any in the last couple of hours before going to bed. The whole body will be flooded with hormones and stay alerted when exercising, this is a bad time to fall asleep. If you want to go to the gym or for a run after work, try to do it as early as possible. Aim to finish before dinner so that your body has enough time to calm down again before going to bed.

Say ‘no’ to coffee after 5pm

There are people that drink coffee after dinner. Believe it or not, it’s not good for you. Caffeine is a strong stimulant and it will keep you awake even after years of drinking it. Avoid having any coffee or other caffeine rich drinks after 6pm. You will sleep better.

Get a late light snack

Please notice, it reads ‘light’, not ‘night’ snack. Many people believe that any food after 6-7pm will hit your hips, but this is not true. You should have your dinner early but staying hungry until the morning might not help your sleeping pattern. Have a light snack like some yoghurt or veggies an hour before going to bed. Avoid high calorie foods, fats, chocolate or chips as late snack of course.

Follow these four easy steps and you will feel the difference. It might take a couple of days to get used to a new routine but after a week you should feel that you are more rested, more balanced and generally in a better mood. The weight loss will follow.

A well-balanced hormonal level is essential for your well-being. In case you are also suffering from hypothyroidism, combining exercises, good quality sleep and a thyroid diet will assist you to get your body in balance.

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