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The Mediterranean Diet Plan for Fat Loss

If you have a car that you want to run at a high-performance level, you put a high quality gas into the engine. Your body is the same way, and for individuals looking for optimal levels of performance along with health levels of weight loss and fat loss, there is really only one choice: The Mediterranean Diet Plan. A combination of organic whole foods along with regular physical activity, it is considered to be one of the most powerful diets in the world.

If you are only interested in rapid weight loss or rapid fat loss, than The Mediterranean Diet Plan is not for you. Since it is a lifestyle choice rather than a fad diet or some sort of trending health program, it is meant to be followed throughout the course of the years so that you can have the best levels of health and wellness over your entire life, rather than just a short period of time.

The Mediterranean Diet was first made famous in the 1940s when American doctor Ancel Keys first published his findings on the people in the Mediterranean region and their extremely lower rates of cardiovascular disease along with cognitive degeneration and overall superior health. Since then, the diet plan has only continued to gain popularity due to the fact that modern science has continued to back up the claims initially made before scientists really understood what the diet and was all about.

In the modern era, most people are only familiar with the Mediterranean Diet as far as it relates to olive oil and the Greek salads, but there are hundreds of different reasons why the diet plan is so powerful. There is no single element that makes it a superior form of eating; rather, it is the combination of elements to create a synergy of foods that no supplement will ever be able to compare against.

The United States has one of the largest populations of overweight and obese people in the world, with an estimated 75% overweight or obese as of 2012. If you are looking for a way to establish healthy weight loss along with fat loss so that you can get yourself out of the statistics and into healthy living, the Mediterranean Diet is the only choice.

For more information on The Mediterranean Diet, you can visit this website on diet plans to find out what people are really experiencing.

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