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Colon Health and Weight Loss: Are You Full of Crap?

I must admit, I was trying to shock you a bit with that title. But did you know that when it comes to losing weight, the condition of your colon is a major contributing factor? Health professionals today are discovering that weight loss may have less to do with diet and exercise… and more to do with having a toxic build-up of plaque in your intestines and a host of common parasites living in your stomach!

Your colon is about 5-feet long and over the years, thick mucus and encrusted fecal matter build up all along the colons’ interior walls. Besides being the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and disease, this heavy toxic build-up can weigh between 5-15 lbs, alone.

That’s plenty of motivation to cleanse your colon… but there’s more. Toxins from the food you eat pass through your intestines and include pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, synthetic fillers, preservatives, and chemically-enhanced materials that are in your food due to the way foods are grown, processed, preserved and packaged in this country.

Your intestinal lining is exposed to millions of toxins every day from food, water, heavy metals,milk, soft drinks, coffee, alcohol, prescription drugs, etc. These toxins, as well parasites, enter your stomach and eventually make their way into your intestines. From there, toxins enter your body through the intestinal lining and get into your bloodstream, overwork your liver, and eventually infiltrate every type of tissue in your body.

To protect your vital organs and preserve your life, your body pushes as many of these toxins as possible out to your fat cells where they can do the least amount of harm. There, the toxins surround the fat inside the cell and form a hard, plaque-like coating trapping the fat within the cell.

The remaining toxins infesting the 20+ feet of your small intestines, make it extremely difficult to properly absorb nutrients from the food you eat because layers of mucus and accumulated waste impede the absorption process. Your body thinks it’s starving because it never receives the proper amount of nutrients from the food you eat, so it slows your metabolism to a crawl and begins storing even more fat as a defense against starvation.

When you understand what’s “really going on” inside your body, it’s easy to see why just “dieting and exercise” almost never produce lasting weight loss.

Imagine what would happen to your life if you never brushed your teeth, clipped your nails, cleaned your house, never took out the garbage, or never took a shower. What would your body (or your social life for that matter) look like after 10-years or more of this kind of neglect? It’s a safe bet, your body would be disgusting beyond belief and would likely be a breeding ground for parasites and disease.

Now, try to imagine the condition of your colon, if it had never being cleaned for 20 years… 30 years… 40 years… 50 years… or more! Pretty disgusting huh?

However, when the plaque and mucus on the colon walls is gently removed, proper nutritional absorption returns, and individuals suddenly have more energy, feel better, and are able to lose fat and weight– even without dieting. Although a reasonable caloric intake after a colon cleanse, would likely accelerate weight loss results even more.

The key, is to know the proper way to cleanse your colon. Safe, effective colon cleansing does not include harsh drugstore or even herbal laxatives that could deplete your electrolytes and cause dehydration. Rather, it requires a natural, oxygen-based colon
cleanser that will gently but rapidly dissolve the encrusted waste on your colon walls, and easily flush it from your body.

Knowing how to easily and safely cleanse your colon and other supporting organs (liver, gallbladder) will help your digestive system and metabolism return to optimal functioning capacity. It can also enable your body to better absorb nutrients and regulate its appestat (the area in the brain that is believed to regulate appetite and food intake).

So, if you routinely eat the typical American diet, there’s a good chance “You’re Full of It”. But a gentle, oxygen-based colon cleanse will not only help you feel better and have more energy, it’s also likely to help you kick-off impressive weight-loss results.

Steve Campbell is a former health educator and healthcare writer. He has written educational materials on topics such as weight loss, nutrition, obesity, and diabetes. Lose weight and restore optimal digestive and metabolic function, visit: http://fatlosssecret.success-mentors.com

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