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Guaranteed Weight Loss Success with a Colon Cleanse

It’s ironic that while society is obsessed with fitness and weight loss, fast food restaurants are more popular than ever and obese childhood obesity are at record highs. It is hardly surprising that the snake-oil purveyors of today are using the same methodology that their distant cousins used in the decades gone by: while in the past any tincture promised to be “love in a bottle” today’s con artist promises that every tincture, mix of pills and caplets, and supplemental regimen spells “weight loss in a bottle.” Of course, considering that weight loss and attractiveness to the opposite sex go hand in hand, perhaps the snake-oil salesmen of old and the modern batch still have a lot more in common than meets the eyes, even though today’s crop is adding an additional step in between supplement and love.

It is, therefore, not surprising that those selling colon cleansers on the internet are often adding claims of startling weight loss to their shticks. Yet as much as one would like to disagree with the clever ‘Net sales people, they do have a point! Here are some startling facts why high quality colon cleanses guarantee weight loss success:

Mathematics bears out the brunt of the argument. Consider an individual who has lived most of her or his life on the typical American diet rich in processed foods, animal fat, sugar, toxins, and other undesirable additives. As the fecal matter becomes compacted in the colon and builds up, the odds are good that after a few decades there will be several pounds of matter stuffed into the colon. When a colon cleanser is used to flush out the matter, pounds upon pounds of waste matter will leave the body, thus making it lighter.

While mathematics showcases that there is a certain weight loss associated with a colon cleansing regimen, the weight loss stops as soon as the colon cleanse is completed, correct? Wrong! The weight loss success continues as the colon is functioning properly! No longer does the body demand more food to feed its organs which are starving for nutrients, but instead the nutrients which are now being ingested are properly absorbed and thus the body signals fullness a lot sooner. While those given to overeating for psychological reasons will still need to deal with behavior modification, those who overate due to bodily demands will find that the weight they have gained will begin to melt away since they are no longer overfeeding their bodies simply to satisfy nutritional needs.

Finally, as the fecal matter and its inherent toxins are made to leave your body, your organs will no longer have to fight the attack of the toxins and their byproducts but instead get back to the tasks they were intended; thus, your kidneys and liver will once again be at peak performance, while your pancreas and stomach will have the ability to deal with the digestion of food properly. Once again this will decrease the body’s perceived need for food intake, since it is no longer in danger of starving for nutrients. Weight loss is inevitable.

Scott Meyers is a staff writer for Its Entirely Natural, a resource for helping you achieve a naturally healthy body, mind, and spirit. You may contact our writers through the web site. Follow this link for more information on Colon Cleansing.

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