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The Banana Weight Loss Program – Why It Fails To Work

The banana diet is an a product clients in my Skinny Asian Diet program are inquiring about lately and I want to take some time to explain why it’s not the appropriate choice for the majority of people trying to lose fat. Like most things in life, there are superior options than extreme diets that concentrate too much on an individual food. Thankfully Asian women get thin and burn fat easily, even following childbirth, and do it in a wholesome way that anyone can understand!

The Banana Weight Loss Plan – Why It Doesn’t Work

The foundation of the banana diets that are being advertised online right now are centered around the thought that by substituting a meal, or even two meals, with bananas, will permit you to eat pretty much any other food you want the rest of the day and be able to shed weight.

This thinking is flawed from the start, and it’s popular in fad diets to market to us by luring us with the satisfaction of eating whatever we feel like as long as we eat a few “bananas”, or “cookies”, or “chocolate-flavored tablets”, or any other number of things I’ve seen introduced through the years.

In reality eating even just two bananas a day, and then following it with the same meals that got us to the overweight dilemma we’re struggling with, isn’t going to make us lose a single pound. To get long-lasting perpetual weight loss we have to change the way we look at food…not substituting an entire meal for a gimmick, but actually understanding how to make meals for ourselves that are tasty, filling, and help our bodies lose fat quickly.

Other flaws with most of the banana diets center around the impact of having too much sugar intake on a daily basis (bananas taste good because they’re largely a sweet sugar in composition), and building up insulin resistance, which can lead to health problems later in life.

There’s A Better Strategy…

Asian gals have been slim for thousands of years, and continue to be even in this world of global McDonalds, Pizza Huts, and Pepsi. How do they do it?

Well one of the ways is by making a priority at each and every meal to take in the greater part of their calories from a protein-based source. Everything from chicken (skinless), tofu, fish, eggs, and lean meat is an excellent source of protein for meals, and with a little flavoring can be totally scrumptious.

Protein is effective for losing fat because it kicks our metabolic process up a notch because it’s harder for our digestive tract to process. This is great for us, it’s something we’re intended to handle, but instead we fill our systems with sugars and carbohydrates from man-made breads and pasta, none of which is tough for the body to digest.

The human body also has a difficult time turning protein into fat deposits, even when we overeat a bit at a single meal. For instance, if you consume 600 calories for lunch, you are twice as likely to put on weight if those calories came from a carbohydrate-based food versus a protein-based food.

Be sure to focus on getting a lean source of protein in at every single meal and watch your metabolic rate take off! You’ll feel more full, for a longer stretch of time, just from that one change alone.

You Will Develop Your Fantasy Physique

If your problem spot lies in your tummy, I recommend you check out these Asian diet secrets. It can be challenging for anybody, but here are a couple ideas on how to lose ten pounds in seven days.

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