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Bad Habits That Can Slow Down Weight Loss

Do you feel that you have hit a plateau in your weight loss efforts? Are you finding that what was previously working for you before is no longer achieving the same results? There are several ways in which we could be slowing down, or even stopping, our weight loss progress. Here are some of the ways and some tips to combat sluggish weight loss results:

One of the common symptoms of doing a set exercise routine is that we may stop paying attention to what we are doing. By reading, or watching TV you are mentally disengaging from the activity you are performing. This will actually cause a decrease in the effort we are exerting and as a result, reduce the amount of calories burned. To keep yourself engaged, try listening to music or an audio book instead.

Don’t leave out the strength training. Strength training is one of the easily forgotten or disregarded components of exercise. It is actually one of the most important things you can do to kick start a weight-loss regime. It is common knowledge that increased muscle tissue leads the body to burn fat faster, and that in doing so, strength training
actually boosts the metabolism. The combination of cardiovascular and resistance exercises increase the levels of hormones that regulate hunger.

Proper form is another key aspect of your workout. Not only will performing exercises carefully decrease your risk of injury, but it will also help ensure that your muscles are achieving the proper load balance through the full range of motion. If you are throwing weights around or improperly lifting and bending then you aren’t working your muscles properly and this will reduce the effort exerted and consequently, the calories burned.

Make sure you are eating consistently. Part of weight loss and proper health in general is consistency. Making regular balanced meals a priority will go a long way towards weight loss. Aim for 3 smaller meals and 2 to 3 snacks a day and try not to go more than 4 hours without eating something. This will keep your metabolism running and give your body enough fuel to do its job.

Lastly, don’t stress it! When your body is under physical or mental stress it creates stress hormones that are released into your system this slows down weight loss
progress as your body works to fight off the stress
attack. If you are worrying about your progress this may be the one thing that’s slowing you down.

Joe trains 5 times a week at Bally’s Gym in Orange County. A long-time fitness enthusiast, he recommends that you buy ephedrine and buy ephedra from Astronutrition.

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