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When Working Out Is Not Enough To Trigger Weight Loss

It may sound unusual but often exercise is not always enough to encourage weight loss, even if you are eating well…

Yet, if you are exercising and still gaining excess lbs, you may need to consider including the following tips into your fat loss plan.

1. Go to a physician

There could be a medical reason why you are gaining excess lbs including hypothyroidism, stress, the menopause or certain prescription drugs. For this reason attend your doctors, get them to check you over and tell them your fat loss problems.

2. Assess your heart and breathing

The easiest way to monitor this is by using the Borg Scale of Perceived Exertion, and making sure you are exercising enough to produce results, but not so much that you are leaving yourself gasping for air. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 napping and 10 running full pelt), you should be between 6 and 7.

3. Keep a food diary

No matter how often you exercise, if you are consuming too many calories this can trigger weight gain. The difficulty many of us have is undervaluing our calorie consumption. Even the smallest of treats – crisp or a cappacino – can add hundreds of calories to your daily content.

To find out if you are unintentionally letting calories get under your radar begin weighing, measuring and keeping track of everything you eat and drink in a food journal. Then every day, sit down and count how many calories you have had during the day.

You will immediately be able to discover which foods are causing you problems. However, for additional support talk to a nutritionist who can help you to organise your strengths and your weaknesses.

4. Try a pedometer

According to new research for every 2,500 steps you take every day, you can burn approximately 100 calories. To find out how far you walk each day start wearing a pedometer and keeping track of how far you walk every week. If for instance you are already doing 10,000 steps, increase this by another 2,000 steps to get the weight loss you are looking for.

5. Start strength training

Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so by adding strength training to your workout 4 times a week, you can gradually enhance your lean tissue and speed up your metabolism.

For the best results, attempt to incorporate free weights, resistance bands and exercise machines…

6. Change your pace

As with a lot of things in life, it is easy to get stuck in a rut with your workout plan. Try pushing yourself more by introducing short bouts of fast-paced intensity training such as cycling. Aim to cycle as fast as you can for 30 seconds (every 3-5 minutes) or including hills to your treadmill regime.

7. Do what you enjoy

It is easy to get depressed by the numbers on your scales, particularly if your day to day workout plan is the same. Instead begin mixing up your exercise regime by getting involved a new activity, listening to energetic music and most importantly ensuring you focus on feeling positive and well.

8. Get plenty of rest

Sleep is important. Sleep irregularly and this can cause your body to begin storing fat. Equally, being exhausted all day can encourage you to ingest more as a technique for coping, leading to additional weight gain. To avoid this, try to nap for approximately 6-8 hours per day.

For lasting successful fat loss, it is pivotal that you find an equilibrium between your diet and exercise. However, to help give your diet a boost, the support of a quality fat loss capsule can help.

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