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Could Autom The Weight Loss Robot Help You To Lose Weight?

This personalised fitness aid – produced by Intuitive Automata – is the latest in the list of robotic softwares that have been created to help slimmers lose those excess lbs.

Named ‘Autom’, this personalised little robot essentially works by tracking your meals and workout routine, whilst offering consistent words of support to keep you focused towards attaining your weight loss getting in shape.

And studies of this robot are becoming increasingly positive…

During a study between slimmer’s who use their laptops to track their diet, to those who tried Autom; Autom users doubled the length of their diet. Essentially the difference between yo-yo dieting and achieving your dream size…

How does Autom work?

Comprising of a the latest in artificial intelligence, dieters essentially supply the quantity of nutrients they consume and how regularly they exercise every day, and Autom assesses their weight loss, provides helpful techniques and supplies consistent phrases of encouragement.

However, it is not all good news…

Soon to be available in the US at the end of 2010; dieters will have to cough up over $500 to own, as well as have to uncover an extra sum to be able to afford the monthly subscription that will help them to input their data through other services or via the internet.

More notably, whilst Autom has been witnessed to help dieters to stick to their weight loss regime for twice the length, there is no long term studies that this fat loss will continue.

For long term weight loss it is always advised that you eat a nutritious, stable diet of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and workout often. However, if you are finding it hard to get in shape, the help of a medically proven herbal pill such as Proactol could help.

Witnessed through 6 extensive medical studies to bind up to 28% of your dietary fat intake, Proactol can also help you to suppress your hunger, reduce your cholesterol and decrease your calorie consumption by 150 calories per meal.

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