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Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Is Not Impossible

Besides the physiological changes you are dealing with after having a baby, you are faced with the more obvious matter of post pregnancy weight loss. It is not a good idea to rush it though, as sensible dieting and exercise are far more likely to be successful.

Many people will tell you that breastfeeding helps you to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy, and there is research to prove it. However, you’re the one still wearing your 9 month maternity clothes because nothing else fits you, and you may want to speed the process up a little.

Your body has been through a lot in the last nine months, and you must pay close attention to good nutrition in order to help it recover. This is particularly important if you are breastfeeding. A good weight loss program will help you keep to a healthy, balanced diet that will provide you and your baby with all the nutrients you need.

It’s advisable to consult your doctor before you start a diet or exercise routine after pregnancy. They can help you choose the most sensible weight loss method that will give your body the best chance of recovery without causing any damage.

Not everyone has access to a full-time personal trainer like the celebrities do, but you can start a gentle exercise program a few weeks after the birth to help you get back into shape. Again, check with your doctor before you start any sort of rigorous training. Your body has taken some strain during pregnancy and birth, and needs time to recover before you demand any more from it.

During the recovery period after a C-section, you probably shouldn’t do much exercise at all, and your healthcare professional should be consulted before you start any training, particularly in the abdominal area. There are a lot of fun exercises you can do with your baby to give you a gentle workout.

If you are overly concerned about post pregnancy weight loss, your stress will be transferred to your baby, making it even more difficult to find the time to exercise and diet. Any parent of toddlers will tell you that running around after a two year old helps get rid of those last few pounds quickly, so perhaps patience is all you need after all.

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