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Weight Loss Saboteurs

One of the issues you may have to deal with are your friends, or loved ones doing things to sabotage your weight loss attempts. Why would anyone do this? That’s a great question.. but sadly there are some who will do just this very thing.
Usually it’s a spouse who’s afraid of you starting to look good, while they themselves are not looking so fit. Low self esteem perhaps, but the one who is afraid of losing you because you are looking like you did years ago, while there not, just may be trying to talk you into “just this one piece of cake”.
My advice would be to try and reassure them that your not going anywhere just because you’re getting fit, and if you need to, it may be time to try and convince them that some weight loss is in order for their health also.
This weight-loss sabotage phenomenon doesn’t just happen between lovers, friends can also be the culprit. Especially an eating buddy. You know, that friend who you always seem to have lunch with. The one who definitely could stand to lose a few pounds, but always was happy to have your company while pigging out.
Yep, now your starting to get thin and they are just a little uncomfortable ordering enough food for three people while your new healthy eating habits are a constant reminder to themselves that they need to change. So which is easier, for them to talk you into cheating on your diet, or for them to re-evaluate their whole lifestyles and make the healthy changes necessary to lose weight and be fit? Well obviously most would sooner engage in a few words of sabotage instead of doing the diligence it takes to get their life on track.
So we not only have to consider ourselves in our quest for health, but we need to consider those around us also. Make sure the compliments they give you are warranted. Watch out for those who would tell you that you need to stop watching so closely, or those who would say that your wasting away to nothing when you really know deep down inside you still have weight to lose. If in doubt see your doctor. Ask the doc to be honest with you about where your weight should be. That is always the best practice.
Realize that these people who are actually sabotaging your weight loss are doing it unknowingly. It’s not that they hate you, it’s just that they have fears. They see the outside of you changing, and fear that the inside may change too. They don’t want to lose their relationship with you, and really are just trying to protect themselves from hurt.
Don’t be mean to them, or disrespectful, just quietly assure them that they are highly valued by you, and you would really like them to encourage you to be healthy rather than to con you into cheating on your diet. Once they give it some thought they will realize what they have been doing, and hopefully stop that negative behavior. If they wont, it may be time to change your activities. Instead of lunch, do something else with them that doesn’t involve food.
It has been my personal experience that while it may be uncomfortable to confront someone with the truth, once its done they usually will come around to seeing it your way. Its our responsibility to look after our own health, others wont do it for us. So we need to grab the bull by the horns, and take care of those things that may hold us back.
Stop the saboteurs in their tracks, but do it nicely.

Information like this can help you to lose weight and keep on the path of a healthy lifestyle. If you would like tons of Free information on weight loss, and if your interested in what the best foods for weight loss are, check out these links.

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