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Why ready-made food tastes like cardboard


It doesn't taste like it looks

Ready-made meals might sound like a good idea when we don't have the time, energy, or the desire to get cooking in the kitchen.

But usually that first bite is a far cry from the yummy-looking mac 'n cheese picture displayed on the box. Yuk!

The main reason it tastes like cardboard

Processed foods contain all kinds of artificial chemicals – not actual real food.

  1. They're made up in huge batches and stored before making their way to supermarkets.

  2. They're made in such a way so that they have a much longer shelf life than regular food.

Why they're so bad for us

Ready-made meals are...

  • Packed full of chemicals like preservatives (to keep food from rotting), colourants, and flavourants.

  • The reason many people become addicted to junk food, according to studies.

  • Low in nutrients and fibre

  • High in trans fats and sugar

  • Easy to eat so they take less energy to digest

Pressed for time? Try this quick meal idea...

Instead of buying a ready-made meal, heat a few potatoes in the microwave and top them with fresh veggies or salad and some low-fat cheese, like mozzarella.

Recommended reading: Kitchen tweaks to help you lose weight

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