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Super-Practical Weight-Loss Tips: When & how much to eat

Copyright: seralexvi / 123RF Stock Photo

TIP: When & how much to eat

The internet has created the opportunity for everyone to know ‘everything’. In the weight-loss game this is usually a bad thing. Why?

Because the overwhelming amount of information and contradicting opinions leads to a serious amount of confusion.

Two of the MOST confusing things for weight-loss hopefuls is:

  • How many times per day they need to eat, and
  • How much food to eat at each meal

Three 'square' meals, three meals and two snacks, five smaller meals, one 'feast' meal per day - these are all popular strategies ... and they ALL work for weight loss.

And that's the problem


What happens though, is that people flip-flop from one plan to another for a while and eventually confuse the numbers of one plan with another and end up never really seeing any progress.

What is needed here is a 12-week (or more) commitment to the plan that you think fits your preferred way of eating. Figure out the meal structure, find a calorie total that is likely to work, and then DO THE PLAN.

Don't be tempted to switch after three days because you're not convinced that it's working

If you do this once, you'll only EVER get three days into any plan, and NO DIET WORKS IN THREE DAYS.

The issue here is that TIME is a crucial element in weight loss. You MUST stick to your guns long enough for the plan to work, and 'long enough' is 12 weeks.

So get your facts and figures down and then COMMIT. It's the only way to weight loss.

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