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My name is carmel, thanks for taking the time to read my story. I have been on a plateue now for 9 months. I am seeing a trainer, but im getting frustrated with him as he is not really giving me straight answers to what i need!
I excercise everyday, walking/running, interval, up hills etc, changing it up daily if i can. My diet is very high protein, infact pretty much all protein, 2 of those meals being protein shakes, as he has asked me to have 2 a day now, and i also eat constantly all day (6 little meals)
In your experience, have u got any suggestions or hints you can give me. oh and i drink 2 litres or 2 1/2 litres water everyday, and lemon + water every morning. Hope this is enough info
Thanks again


If what you're doing isn't working anymore, then change it up. You might try just eating 1 or 2 meals a day for a few days... still eating the same amount of calories, though. Try adding more weight training. Try reducing some of that protein intake and upping your fat. Mix it up. Keep your body guessing.

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