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how much weight loss?

I have been trying to cut back on calories without going on some crazy kind of diet. I try to hover around 1200-1500 cals per day and try to exercise on a stationary bike for 20-25 minutes an average of 3-4 times per week. My weight has been staying in the same 2- to 3-pound swing, but I feel thinner and I think my clothes are becoming a little looser. My question is this: I know that muscle weighs more than fat, so is it possible that I'm losing fat but building muscle, which would explain the way I feel not being reflected on the scale?

Hi Stephanie,
I am so happy that you understand about fat and muscle as too many people just blindly go by the scales.

Very simply, log onto my site below and get your free bodyfat analysis. It is exactly what you are looking for in your question.

All the best  
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