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hi i asked you  question b4 and i wanna thank u for your response.however my next question is about proeins.since you know that im looking to lose chest,i also want to get big.should i lose the fat first and then eat a lot and get big? and whats the importance of protein and should i be getting a lot of protein if im trying to lose chest fat. ?

Dear Mike,

   Thanks for the follow up questions.  Since you are trying to gain muscle mass you need to eat foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates and make sure to work your muscles.  These are the keys to building muscle mass.
    Increase your intake of complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal, whole grain bread, raisin bagels, brown rice, fruits, vegetables, and beans for protein.  These foods give your body energy to work the muscles and are low in fat.
    The next step is to work the muscles by lifting weights with a certified trainer in order to learn proper form.  You must also incorporate some aerobic activity into your routine such as walking , swimming, bikeriding , and jogging.  
    When you incorporate the right foods with proper exercise you will be able to build muscle and see results. Hope this helps.

-George Rapitis, Nutritionist
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