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Cancer diet

Hi Evelyn,
I am a student and about to write a research paper on cancer and lifestyle.I would be very glad if you answer my few questions.

I would like to know that on daily basis what kind of diet increases the risk of cancer and also reduce the risk?
Is it a myth or a fact that exercises reduce the risk?
What are the things around us that can cause this disease because of the exposure?
It would be a great help if you answer these questions.

Dear Sandhya,

The following understanding is based on Anthroposophical medical principles. Sources recommended for further reading are Victor Bott, Husemann/Wolff, R. Steiner/Wegman (all translated into English), and especially (the most up to date source) Volker Fintelmann (which I think has no translation from the German). Where I have skipped too many steps in the deductions and left you confused, you must not hestitate to ask me to clarify where I possibly can.

While medical professionals within Anthroposophy will have to accept an esoteric cosmic view in order to practice along these principles, they are all medically trained at conventional universities and have undergone normal internships etc. Generally, most of their patients tend not to be affilliated with Anthroposophy and conventional medications can be prescribed upon request and often complement homeopathy or phytotherapy. The main difference then being, any prescribing will be done, only, after lengthy consultations (min. 15 mins at a GP, often 45 mins for complex complaints or psychological worries) and with a full biographical scope of the patients medical, nutritional, psychological history.

For the sake of setting up some parameters to what would otherwise be an extremely lengthy exposition, I will have to assume you have a basic understanding of man as a spiritual being, and can only summarise some underlying Anthroposophical principles and cosmological influences, here. Since the problem with cancer, in Anthroposophy, ultimately, is one of improper incarnation: a penetration of the pysical body with the human soul and spirit. Also, the relationship between inner and outer worlds plays a big part, since cancer can only live in an organism that can no longer overcome foreign influx: it has become swampy in parts. This creates favourable conditions for  nature at its rampant cellular level.

We begin with the assumption that man is a fourfold spiritual being  (four bodies: physical, etheric, astral, ego) with a tripart organisation of thinking, feeling, willing, which have their main focal points respectively in our head, respiratory/circulatory and metabolic-limb system. This creates an upper, middle and lower pole which corresponds to, respectively, a nerve-sense, rhythmic and metabolic organisation. Furthermore, the soul unfolds (incarnates) in seven year stages.

Only after the third stage is the ego body fully "born". The etheric forces are used the first seven years to build up the organism specifically. Only when this job is completed can we hope to use the excess etheric forces (liberated from their organic task) for rational and logical thinking (we can begin to learn at school). In the meantime the astral soul unfolds and our personalities begin to take a more individualised shape (emotions, talents, character traits etc). The excess remaining after age 14 goes towards maturation on a sexual front. The ego body then begins to descend fully into the life on earth. This process is often hampered severely nowadays, and futher development of the soul must continue on rocky foundations. At 21 you are ready to start work on the soul's missions proper - not that this has not already been going on before, but now you need to become conscious of yourself as a soul-being (which ought to, but seldom does, convene with reaching adult maturity). It takes the rest of your life to get to know yourself, but serious short-comings in (moral/emotional) education, poor (unwholesome) diet and psychological trauma, denied karma, or repressed febrile illnesses will come back to bite you. Some of this will be explored below.

The questions you ask aim to discover what we can do against cancer preventatively. The answer is comprehensive and actually must point to some other questions, first. We must  begin with a study of the pathology of cancer as a growth and ask what growth really is. Then we can begin to ask why this growth occurs where it does, and why it is malignant. Only by studying how it lives, can we begin to prevent its genesis and begin to fathom how to remove it from our system.

Normal growth is a process where the formative (centripetal) astral and ego forces sculpt the etheric (centrifugal) forces of reproduction and multiplication  (most distinctively depicted by the morula.) Normal growth is most significantly CONTROLLED by sculpting forces. With ageing this control is relatively increased. But if the control is too extreme sclerotic malignancies result: we become too mineralised, causing us to grow stiff, hard and brittle, or mentally rigid for it. The etheric growth forces, in the mean time, become metamorphosised into thought forces on the one hand, and goes towards the functions of the testicles and ovaries (reproductive system), on the other. (These are later freed in menopause and transformed into wisdom and kindness - which askancely points to how it is, obviously, different for men to attain these mature qualities "naturally"; explaining, perhaps, how the more ascetic or strict (celebate) spiritual practices are male inventions.)  

When etheric force is inadequately or insufficiently metamorphosised or remains unutilised (reasons for which are varied and interesting in themselves), it gives little to do for the astral body and it will withdraw. This leaves a pocket within the organism unorganised or unmanaged, where freely travelling cells could readily set up a camp site, waiting for conditions that would let them set up an indpendent state, so to speak - as and when so stimulated (by carcinogenics and stresses). (Most commonly cancer of breast, prostrate and uterus occur when they cease to be functional. On the other side of the spectrum, some mental patients seem less susceptible to cancer, for the early misplacement of etheric force into psychosis, e.g. schizophrenia.)

A precancerous state is one where these (outcast) cells (selfish by nature) lie dormant (full of own life-force). We must sum up here that they came into existence in the first place through mismanagement of the higher members of the organism. Steiner called this state "an islet of organisation", or Cohnheim " emryonic islets"; the latter, however, regards them as being made up of physical residues, while the Anthroposophic notion regards them as constitutions of residual FORCES (consolidated more or less into a cellular structure). Cells may be the prototype of life, but the are not the basis of our lives as such without being subjected to the sculpting forces of our soul: a cell is stubbornly ignorant of man's potential and even when organised into a cluster can only be PART of a consciousness when it is integrated into a body part. As a cancerous tumor it has no mind of its own, it just keeps on living like a run-away train. A tumor is a rebel without a cause only in so far as can be likened to a cuckoo in an unsuspecting nest. How guilty of anything evil is the actual guest? Again, we must look to the forces behind the phenomenon.

Nutrition and education (environmental factors) influence the building from the blueprint of our karma and circumstance (as written up in genes).  Where modern science hopes a diet and a higher state of welfare (happiness) can work preventatively or curatively, it is stumbling upon the Anthroposophic principles without yet grasping them, by ever failing to point unmistakeably to  concrete substances and life-styles that work across the board. These principles claim that any recuperative or corrective diet or nurturing system has to work with COSMIC FORCES first and foremost. It is these (through the filter of earthy matter) that support the soul and stimulate the processes that maintain health. This is not to deny basic physical facts of nutrition (vitamins, minerals, calories etc), but Anthroposophical nutrition explains their occurrance and purpose differently.

To understand how the malignancy comes about, you need to see how the tumor is only an indicator of a cancerous state. In a healthy body, the etheric body, supported by the ego, renews the brokendown, regenerates the devitalised. One of its tasks is to initiate inflammation to help shift accumulated deposits of foreign material. A crucial symptom of the precancerous condition is the inability or reluctance to achieve a fever. This is a sign of an uncooperative, apathic, and hardened and cold organisation - with misplaced astrality and weak etheric force. A lot can be blamed on the habitual and far too easy use  of anti-inflammatories, but also anti-biotics and vaccins against childhood diseases. Without childhood fevers the ego finds it harder to incarnate. Without regular raises in termperature (a cold/flu, but also enthusiasm, inner fire) we run the risk of sclerosis: a completely devitalised process, with the astral concentrated around the unprocessed waste products. (The increase in multi-system allergies - worthy of  a separate chapter - is a parallel development in the inability to deal with external influences, pointing to how distressed and disorientated our collective systems are becoming. Man as spiritual being is in an acute state of disrepair.)

The astral/ego, after much concentration (oppressed, strained), by the law of opposites, will go from its natural centripetal state into a centrifugal one, uncoiling like a tight spring,  dispersing itself from a location, to leave a pocket open to chaotic forces and terrestrial influences, unmanaged by organising forces. Proper control of health is not so much a question of mind over matter, in fact this would lead to many neuroses, but it is a question of a soulful integration of matter.The astral/ego and the etheric must be interactively, dynamically, involved with eachother in varying proportions suited to each body part and process. Once this team work becomes deregulated problems arise. (Understanding the principles of processes, it will surprise us less that tumours in the metabolic system are more frequent than in the upper, nerve-sense system, where the formative forces are innately dominant.)

The external influences promoting cancer are extremely varied, including mechanical and chemical irritants, tabacco, alcohol (pancreatic/liver/stomach cancer), viruses (cervical cancer), radiation, microwaves, UV, repeated lesions (burns), and many other carcinogens. (Notably, carcinogenics are artificial products of technological processing. Much could be said in an esoteric study how this relates to the energy of cancer.) But many carcinogens are hard to avoid, and in any case do not have to lead to the development of cancer, per se.  The cell damage they cause (genetic modification) can be repaired in a healthy organism, through a good immune system. Exposure to cancer-promoting agents over a greater length of time does propose more risk, as the organism becomes ever more weary of this extra repair and defense work. Again, we see that it is the organisation of higher contituents (the condition of your astral, ego, etheric body) that plays the greater role in the fight against cancer.

The problem with bad diet, especially fast-food and pre-processed meals, frozen/canned food, is not only the levels of toxicity but also how this fails to stimulate proper digestion. We pour down vast amounts of liquid and shovel heaps of pappy food into us, letting the outside (hard/cold) world flood us while we remain anaethtised to its actual harm. There is no way we can process this "alien" matter successfully, fully ENCORPORATING it. We literally litter our organisms, dump upon our organs, and pollute our systems. We are full of more debris than we can collect and exude again. The organic-chemical picture reflects our state of soul, that looks much like much of our Earth's seas with tons of plastic bobbing about on it and saturated with heavy metals.

We are all beginning to realise the harm of synthetic products (additives, preservatives, supplements). Our natural system has not been built to deal with this incompatible matter. No less of a concern is how DEAD our food is, over-processed, lacking solar energy and earth force.

There is also ever more recognition for the problem of the overconsumption of meat, as well as growing concerns (through BSE etc) about quality control and farming methods (cruelty to animals etc). All this is good news, but the main focal point has to be on the astral content of a protein-rich diet.

An Anthroposophical diet is by no means standard vegetarian. Each must choose what their individual system needs. Some cannot do without the easy proteins meat can offer. But animal flesh is highly astral (plant matter is predominantly etheric), and more so if produced by the bio-industry. Remnants of the energy is easily carried over into the human blood and experienced as "foreign" by the organs; this dulls them, while organs need cosmic light to function optimally. The kidneys especially have a special esoteric role to play in this with "kidney radiation" that becomes easily unbalanced by overly protein rich food. (Notably there is a dramatic increase in kidney disorders in the younger population. In short, even conventional medicine does not favour meat in a cancer diet.) One of the first things patients with cancer will notice is an antipathy for meat, anyway.

But tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, egg plant are all from the solanacea family which is also a very astralised plant, as indicated by its toxicity. Peanuts are darkened and heavy ether force, with a bean formation driven underground. Categorising foods into good/bad groups takes more than chemical analysis and requires the study of plant morphology and a context of the evolution of man along side the animal kingdom (with a unique ego body). The reason why a Kollath raw food diet, or Bircher-Benner muesli or  could be advocated as a cancer preventative is simply based on the processes it takes to digest and metabolise this foodstuff: enhancing all the bodies in a harmonious fashion. Bio-chemically we would point to a better distribution of white blood cells after eating foods which do not draw all the blood for too long to the metabolic region. This would keep the immune system in a better condition.

There are some claims which promote the following foods as neutralisers of pollutants: yoghurt, B5 (as found in yeast), lecithin (as in soy), and unsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils). But such lists isolate and emphasise food as stuff. There are problems with soy on other fronts (as high protein food, and the way it is cultivated currently). And yoghurt is just a number one food for overall gut health, regardless.

Another negative aspect of our daily regime are the constant attacks upon our senses, be it through food (overly spicy, sugary, salty flavours) or through media devices, industrial pollution, social disorder. The natural pattern of rest, rhythm and harmony (homeostasis) is lost and we become used to chaos, which within the organism will lead to pathology. Psychic shocks are most measurably a kind of attack upon the system; but the constant rumble, rat-race and distractions of daily life are the really sneaky ones. They are caused by disjointed family life, unreasonable work loads, unrealistic expectations and other incessant harassments (be it through taxes, news bulletins, or self-critical assesments). This all extends beyond the reach of the resilent and reformative self.

The actual tumour is but the final development of cancer. Aside what goes into our bodies (wilfully or not) the second great problem is a lack of rhythm. This might even be the primary condition of cancer if we look at it from a holistic point of view.  The 24-hour culture and artificial heating, light and frequent long-distance flying, fragmentation in general, deregulate us massively. Also, on a more subtle level, we have lost a sense of body rhythm and community. This includes anything from having sex at too early an age to splintered families. We are torn between reason and finance on the one hand (survival and fear) and romantic longing on the other: leaving the true heart and feeling unattended. This rhythmic middle section becomes cold and no longer connects the upper and lower poles, and a communication breakdown within the system is inevitable. Patching up becomes harder to do, till malignancy becomes a fact. It is not a primitive understanding that structure and meditation are pivots to health and happiness.

Treatment of cancer, not only in alternative circles, therefore will have to focus increasingly more on psycho-oncology and pastoral and palliative care. Chemical treatment fails us too often.

In the  treatment of the actual tumor, only at Anthroposophical clinics will you come across the medication of mistletoe (Iscador). For the rest, however, Anthroposophical doctors will advise conventional treatment where necessary and possible (specifically surgery and radiation therapy, but less so chemotherapy). It will take a full study of the mistletoe plant and the various preparations of the distillation to appreciate its workings, but in brief, it relies on how fever relates to an active astrality (see above). It is predominatly used post-operatively, or in very early non-malignant stages.

Alongside this we must focus on strenthening the weak spots. Merely removing the growth can be no end in itself to cancer, if the precancerous conditions remain. Even chemo-therapy can only work on physical residues. So how do we tackle the weak forces?

We must always dominate the external and vegetative forces by internalising them with our astrality (or soul life). Diet, moral hygiene, high-culture, connection to nature, devotion and respect, and all forms of free and creative thinking which cultivate an independent but social minded individual  contribute to this strengthening process.

But on the whole we cannot claim that there is a sure preventative diet. There is much misconception about how we must stuff our diets full of anti-cancer vitamins or minerals. A diet rich in silica will naturally promote form-building forces, and when symptoms point to a weakened astral body, it is wise to emphasise certain foodstuffs. Millet, for example, is rich in silica but the fact it is seldom eaten (known by few in the West) cannot be a reason for the increase in cancer, but there is a relevancy in that those who eat millet are, also, more likely to eat healthier across the board, with an emphasis on a vegetarian and wholemeal diet, since millet is only, really, available from healthfood shops. This,then, would also reduce the exposure to preservatives, colourings and other artificial ingredients. Plus is likely to add on the benefits of organic produce.

It would be a big step forward in the prevention of cancer if it were better understood that the way in which we farm/produce our food significantly effects the quality of it (changing its chemical properties in certain cases). This is specifically the case in bio-dynamic farming, as observed in capillary testing and explained by studying plant and animal life (with or without some esoteric insights). Many religious or spiritual practices already intuit along some guide lines with  prohibitions or seasonal abstentions. Even if they disagree on the actual products, they seem to agree, that it is paramount to keep your energy aligned to the Higher Worlds by watching what you eat. Cancer is typically an earth-bound energy, and prevalent amongst people who become unmindful of the down-sides to this otherwise very functional energy. Life on earth must not act like a ball and chain upon the soul. Emotions must not become "lumpy", so we must be careful not to bear grudges and confront grief bravely.

There is even less a specifically curative diet for cancer, either. The claims that coctails of vitamins would support recuperation are misinformed. We must approach vitamins from the standpoint that they are not chemical substances in isolation. They are manifestations of cosmic processes that correspond to the basic elements we use to build from. Only in therapeutic and extremely high dosis can any scientific evidence be given of the benefits of a few vitamins - and marginally at that.

Vit A is believed to help make membranes more porous and thereby chemotherapy more effective on the tumorous cells. The therapeutic use does have side effects (notably on liver and kidney, bloodpressure and mucous membranes). It seems particularly effective in the rare cancer of the tongue. Research is ongoing whether ther  vit A-therapy could enhance remission in certain types of cancer (skin, breast, tonsil, bronchial, vaginal, penile, anal).Vit A is the crystalisation of weaving, living warmth, reflected in the organic matter of flowers, seeds, fruits and oils.

Vit C is no longer readily considered the miracle anti-cancer vitamin. There is no evidence that vit-C rich foods work preventative. High dosis of vit C - often promoted by health-freaks - can cause kidney stones. At  most, we can point to the working of Vit C as a prevention of the formation of nitroamines (nitrates and amines) in the stomach. These are carcinogenics also found in latex and tobacco. But no increased dosis can work better than a normal healthy diet. Also, here, we must remind ourselves that no single physical SUBSTANCE can cause cancer outrightly. We must always think in terms of  processes. Vit. C is a substantialisation of light, and correspondingly found in the highest concentration in green foods(leaves), but also apples and pears, or berries (less so in stone fruit, which is a much more "hardened" fruit).

Vit E, tocopherol, is necessary for the functions of cellar respiration, muscle building and for the reproductive system. It is found in wheatgerm and salad leaves. Animal testing has shown a lack of Vit E increases the risk of breast cancer. But no extensive research exists on humans. It is not scientific to correlate findings from animal testing to humans. Natural deficiencies are exceptionally rare. Increased dosis as prevention would be based on nothing reasonable. Experiments using Vit. E. supplements during cancer recuperation therapy are entirely not conclusive so far.

There are many alternative therpies out there, especially under the guise of  phytotherapy and homeopathy. However, few traditional guidelines exist and little new research is being done. One remedy that often crops up within those circles is beetroot juice. The betacyans would improve cell breathing and is said to have the power to destroy cancerous cells with that. A Nobel Prize winner suggested this, but clinical research is inconclusive, so far.  Some medications are no longer considered safe: apricotkernel cyanide, for instance.

Proteolytic enzyme therapy is based on principles which strengthen the immune system, with the aim to let microphages eat up free cells specifically likely to cause metastases. Post-operatively, especially with breast, bowel (peritoneal) and bronchial cancer success has been clinically demonstrated. There is oral medication, and also injections into lymphatic (mammary) tumors are possible, or enemas. There are few if any side-effects, aside some occasional allergic reactions. There are hopes, in some corners, that enzyme therapy could be a way forward in treating cancer in the future.  Eating more pineapple and papaya (containing these types of enzymes) is not going to have the same preventative effect. They are just good to eat upon occasion as part of a healthy diet. But not without drawbacks: the problem with pineapple being that it is in the top 12 of products containing the most pesticides....Again, a warning to keep looking at the bigger, holistic picture and never getting stuck on isolated chemical properties.

Oxygen and ozon therapy are considered by some alternative doctors as supportive during other conventional cancer therapies. Modern science ascribes a placebo effect to them.  

The reason why cancer could be related to substance abuse is explained by how hard and soft drugs, and alcohol lame the ego body. This creates weak spots. Habitual use, I need not spell out, increases this weakness beyond a point of no return.

Some final things that are ruinous on the system regards our eating habits.Snacking, tv/radio during meals, quibbling, worries, and stuffing are detrimental. Many problems are related to the fact we don't need to or care to chew properly (the liver needs us to). Food taken as a blessing would prevent many unheatlhy habits.

Most of our meals are badly balanced or insufficiently varied. We do not adapt to seasonal change, or periodical personal developments and minor illnesses. Feasts and festivals are no longer serving their spiritual hygienic functions anymore and lead to dangerous feats of survival. eating disorders, or obsessive slimming and much gluttonous exhibition.

The appalling quality of childhood nutrition in general, where it could be avoided, is putting the human race to shame. No doubt we shall pay very dearly for this in the near future. Obesity and diabetes are the first warning signs. Juvenile drug abuse another. The increase of coronory disease and cancer yet others. Mental illnesses can join the queue. We seem to forget that society is but as good, sane and healthy as its individual members.

Finally, for the most ingraspable yet most curative and preventative element: love.  From the Anthroposophical view point, a diet  and education that provides life-force and stimulates the structuring forces does so by weaving in light into matter. The dark brew of digested food needs this in order to be transformed into human protein.The mysterious penetration of nutrients through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream is a form of spiritual transubstantialistion. To understand this we must turn to the principles of darkness and light.  "Every substance upon earth is condensed light. . . but every stirring of the soul is a modification of love." (R.Steiner).  The best (but very alternative) source I use on this topic is the artist and colour-painting therapist Liane Collot d'Herbois. I shall not go into this further here, but simply conclude that it is valuable to reconnect with nature and taking up creative and rhythmic therapies (veil-painting or eurhythmy e.g.). They are considered beneficial for reharmonising all four members into an integral WHOLE.

It is a grave error to believe we have the right to control our entire life from the cradle to the grave, with perfect health insured. In one sense, too much emphasis lies on prevention, nowadays, which mainly reveals panic and fear. Not a joy for life and an awe for its miracles. This makes us very tight, and leads to materialism and dogma, or fanaticism and egoism, two sides of the joint coins of "evil", where either too much darkness or too much light predominates (see Collot).

Harmony as prevention is hard to sell. Yet, it remains important not to demonise the Big C, for this removes our own responsibilities in the face of a despotic conqueror. We must never forget that cancer is not a disease of the cells - the cells are very happy, thank you! Just like "a traffic jam is not a disease of cars" (D.W. Smithers). Studying the internal combustion engine will not resolve traffic problems... We must be as cautious of the power of fear, despondency, distrust as we are of cancer. They have a common source: an inert darkness.

At the moment there is a call to develop our immune systems anew, from the inside out! This includes having real contact with nature, not totally disregarding  poisons, bacteria and viruses, of course not. But we have become too afraid, neurotic, of dirty hands and too possessive of virgin soil. We are crowding ourselves out for no good reason, in an attempt to get a grip on everything.  Bugs terrify us no less than calories. Sandpits may contain nematoid worms but a child without real experiences is more vulnerable to the bigger infections. We need to let our children build up natural resistance and dare to do battle with fevers. Sedentary, consumerist life-styles can ruin our health but a pair of love-handles do not make us over-weight. Fear and control engraves a route for the incarnating light to fall short of the mark - to flood spots marked x by our delusionary minds. We leave genuine heartfelt spots cold and blank: giving the cheery, unstoppable vagrant cell the "pass go and collect 200" card. We are turning life into a game of chance, which we cannot win.

As a final inspiration we could look to examples, where people have "suffered" cancer patiently and valiantly. There are some accounts of sprititual (Buddhist) teachers who seem to have chosen the "dharma" to develop cancer as a kind of sponge for the whole of humanity. Witnesses (oncologists) describe how their bodies, rather than grow colder and colder, glow ever more. May such stories at least encourage us to give more room to love and peace in our lives, not to remember death, but to conquer it in ever breath of life. Child-like joy and compassion are hard to find in our lives, nowadays: while these alone could be warriors against infiltration of innocuous substances.

However, let us not look for miracle cures (be it faith-healing or wonderous concoctions) without first understanding the root cause of any illness. Healing is about transforming yourself. It is about finding your true colours, and letting them radiate love. Relief through human (mental/physical) touch and a faith in the power to bear what you cannot change are the most miraculous remedies.

I hope some of these thoughts have helped you gain an alternative perspective on cancer.
Good luck with your paper.
Love Evelyn.
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