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how to eat raw meat

I want to start eating more raw meat and animal products. I was a little
confused by your previous answer about ways to prepare meat if you don't
want to eat it entirely raw. Does marinating in lemon or lime reduce
nutritional value? Can you refer me to an on-line source of recipes for
preparing raw meat or fish or guidelines for it. I am not ready to invest in a
book of recipes.
thank you

Re marinating raw meats:- No, marinating doesn't reduce the nutritional value of the meats. According to Aajonus, it's supposed to even help break down the meat to make it more easy to digest, though I can't confirm whether this is a correct assumption, as such.

Re Recipes:- I'm afraid that there isn't any general "raw meat recipe" website  for rawpalaeodieters, as yet - though there ought to be. The best I can come up with is this:-


You could simply look online  under specific raw-meat-dishes and just add the word "recipes" in your search, and you'll find numerous websites offering one or more recipes for that specific dish. Standard raw meat-dishes  would include raw oysters, ceviche, beef carpaccio, steak tartare, Ethiopian Meat-Kitfo and  Sashimi(ie raw fish). Obviously, most such  recipes found online will include some unnatural processed ingredients, as they are aimed at a mainly cooked-food-eating readership - you'll just have to adapt and insert a raw ingredient in the place of  the processed ones.

I generally prefer eating meats on their own without much in the way of extra spices etc. - so I'm not much help, in this regard. However, it would be a very good  idea for you to join the top 2 or 3 Yahoo raw palaeolithic diet  groups and ask people there to provide you with a variety of recipes. The groups are free to join, and a lot of the group members are extremely helpful. Just go to the main group website, click "join" etc, select "individual e-mails " and so on and so forth, and you can then start asking your questions re recipes. Here are the 3 main group addresses:-




The group below mostly concerns itself with eating cooked-meat, but there are many members on it who eat raw meats regularly, so it might be useful:-

Aajonus' 2nd book "The Recipe For Living Without Disease" has literally hundreds of different recipes aimed at raw-meat-eaters, so that would be a useful read, after you've tried out all the other (free) ideas I've suggested.

Hope This Helps,

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