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gaining while losing gut

I'm 34 years old, 5'11", and 137 lbs.  I've always been
naturally skinny.  It's just my body type.  Of course, as I moved into my later 20s and early 30s, I started to get flabbier in parts: my chest, and mostly, my gut.  About a year ago, I was nearing 150, so I have lost a considerable amount since then.  In the last 6 months, I've changed my diet, and started to run and lift weights.  I'm running about 15-20 miles per week and lifting about 3 days per week.  I'm not looking to be a muscle man, but I want to look firm, lean, and just be healthy.  I recently have been seeing the results of my new lifestyle and have expanded my lifting routine into the free weights room (I was doing strictly machines).  Now that I'm looking a little better, I want to do even more.  My question is that I'm not sure how to approach my diet.  I'm thin and I want to build a bit so I know I need to increase my intake but I also want my gut to go away and stay away, so I want to be very careful because if I gain weight it seems to go right to my mid-section.  I eat vegetables, fruits, and no fat choices like Light and Fit Yogurts, Nuts for snacks, whole grain breads with Tuna or Turkey, etc.  I've also just started eating protein bars and drinking protein smoothies.  I stopped eating things like bagels, heros, fast food, candy bars, have limited my beer intake (haven't drank at all in the last month).   Every once in a while I will have a slice of pizza and I nibble on a bit of dark chocolate with nuts after lunch.  Also, I live in New York and go out to eat during the weekends.  I try to be conscientious, but I don't go too crazy.  

So basically my question is how can I continue to keep my gut going down, my body firming up, and at the same time gain a little bit to develop a little more muscle?  Will eating things like protein bars go right to my gut?  

Hi William, to get right into it because you are looking to ADD to your workouts, I would recommend of course to increase food. Your food choices are really great, especially all the complex carbs, I would add some brown rice to your lunch or dinner (a small amount). The protein bars aren't too bad depending on sugar content so read the labels and compare.  Straight skim milk would be good to have every day too.  
I think you are on the right track to achieve your goals, for the food increase add more vegetables, tuna and turkey, and skim milk.  
To see the best results, change up your exercise routines, maybe bike one day, play a sport another, lift different weights, frequencies and speeds.  For that it is best to talk to a professional in that field.  Or even 1 visit to a trainer can do wonders for a new routine.  Mixing up your workout will do wonders!
Lastly, make sure to try and drink 2 liters of water a day to decrease bloating in the gut.
I hope this has helped and please let me know if you have further questions.
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