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alkaline food

If in one day one eats more of alkaline food, for how long this surplus is usable by the human body? Thank you.

Dear Zokimi,
I am not sure I understand your question. I cannot see how there can be a surplus of alkaline food. Only acidic foods can take a long time to process and it can take up to a week of fasting or dieting to rebalance a body after a long-term acidic diet.With chronic disorders due to an acidic diet, the build up can take much longer to deal with.
The only problem with a predominantly alkaline diet over a long period of time may be a general blandness in the overall toning of the body "character", but this can be broken instantly by eating some "acidic" foods, which can boost the "yang" of your system from time to time. Apart from fat reserves, no real storing is done by the body (aside vitamin B12 in the liver for example). You therefore need to eat a balanced (predominantly alkaline) diet daily.
The exact ins and outs of food and diet surveyed in this way is highly complex and becomes specialised in a bio-chemical field.
With Kind Regards,
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