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i need a diet

my problem is that i need to find a sutibel diet that i can acctuly be abel to do and to count on.. i really dont know how the diet thing work with me i just.. cant live without eating chocalete its soo wierd... i guess i need to flollow some kind of program.. so can u plz gimme a program that will make me lose weight fast and simpel.. i wight 59kg and im only 15 years old and i really want to lose 10 kg by christmas so.. will u be kind enouf to give me a program to follow, i woud really appreaciate it.. thank you alot
      sincerly yours,

Dear Meirna,

I don't know anything about modern fads in dieting, although I was overweight when I was 15, too. I am now much older and a mother of a son who loves his food lots.So we have to follow some sort of diet too, only I call it a healthy eating plan for life.
I am into organic and healthy eating, because it makes me feel good and connects me to my environment in a positive way. I love fresh food and enjoy products that were grown and produced with loving intent but I am also crazy about chocolate! However, for me chocolate means a high cocoa content (77% at least) and therefore contains little sugar. After 10 years of "healthy eating" my tastes are probably a little different to the average consumer: for example supermarket buscuits are always way too sweet for me and candy bars taste like poison to me.
I started off trying to avoid all products with sugar in them and looking for treats and jams and puddings etc, with alternative sweetners in them (honey, grain syrups, fructose etc). There is nothing really bad about sugar, although the processing it undergoes strips it of any nutritional value and it is bad for your teeth and fattening, of course. It contains "void calories", that is energy without building blocks for your body.However, other sweetners also have other issues attatched to them so, the choice to eat sugar or not is a personal preference and not a general healthy guide line. For me, though it cut out a lot of ready available temptations and took pounds off pretty fast! (I never eat artificial sweetners - which leaves little choice for me in an average supermarket, for starters).
Another thing I noticed is that since I don't eat meat I eat a lot less fat. I also can't eat any fast food: because there aren't any organic options I find appealing.
As you may be aware, with all the dieting info around these days, there are no simple and fast weigh-loss programmes for real out there. The quick fixes never ever last. Slow and steady truly is the only way.
I find walking 20-30 mins a day a great, cheap and simple way to "work out"(putting on your discman on and just checking out the neighbourhood will already do) - you can jog if you like but a brisk walk has been proven to be more beneficial all things considered. In any case dieting always has to be complemented with plenty of and REGULAR exercise.
As for food: eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as you can. Salads are fantastic because they give you a work out while you eat: all that munching! Just don't use too much dressing (full of fat usually). As long as you cut out most snacks (unless you don't mind nibbling a few dry breadsticks), don't worry too much about meal times: the excess weight is mostly put on by picking and not by eating proper meals.
Steamed fish and grilled or stewed meat are fabulous ways to prepare low-fat meals. There is tons of information on diet-cooking out there, but the main thing I'd like to tell you about is that diets are really meant to be a way of life: an attitude to food is what you need. For the rest, you must bear in mind that you are at an age when your body is still "trying to find itself". As long as you don't binge and comfort eat or serve yourself extra huge portions you are not doing anything wrong.
I hated exercise at 15 but I slowly got into yoga which began to help stretch me out into better proportions. A general rule I have found helpful: choose the healthy option and you'll be choosing the fewer calories. Think of wholemeal instead of white bread. Jacket potato instead of fries. Yoghurt instead of icecream. Orange juice instead of Coke. Plain crackers instead of sweet biscuits. Cutting out pre-packaged stuff (with all the sugars, fats and additives) cuts out a lot too! And it's good for the environment and excellent for your overall health.
It would be unreasonable to expect more than 1 kg per fortnight to come off (and stay off) if you cut down on your calorie intake (if you are not exercising:min 1000, not less!!or you will damage your health). So 10 before X-mas is not possible. I go by what "feels" right, never weight (which could simply indicate water retention). You'll find, maybe, a loss of 3 kg will already make you a lot better about yourself.
My advice basically is: think healthy and don't forget to have a treat every so often or you'll go crazy before you lose the weight!!
Think three square, well balance meals a day if you can. And drink lots of water and herbal teas to help flush out the system once you start losing weight. That should keep your mood light and happy.
Wishing you loads of strength and the best intentions,
Love Evelyn.
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