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3 Fat Burning Tips You Must Practice to Lose Weight

Of all the relevant fat burning tips there are a handful that you must do in order to lose fat. For example, what value is there in doing hundreds of crunches if you are not doing any cardiovascular activity?

Many put the cart before the horse and are too busy worrying about minor details rather than focusing on mastering the basics. Once you have the fundamentals down you can then move to more advanced techniques.

Below are 3 fat burning tips that are not optional if you want to lose weight fast:

1. You Must Eat Less Than You Burn

There is simply no way around it. Losing fat is possible only by creating a caloric deficit. No matter what your diet or exercise program consists of you must be burning more energy than you are consuming.

That is why it is a good idea to always be conscious of how much food you are eating. If you are only guessing you could be eating much more or much less than you think you are.

In the beginning it does takes a little planning and effort to figure this out but once it is accomplished you can be sure that you are on the right track. Try and picture the law of energy balance the way you would view your bank account.

Viewing fat loss in terms of depositing and withdrawing makes it a little clearer. Too many deposits will be stored as fat. I think you get the picture.

2. You Must Exercise for Long Term Weight Loss

Anyone who has lost a great deal of fat and have kept it off will tell you that they exercise. It could be walking, biking, swimming, playing sports, or lifting weights. The point is they are exercising.

I know you will sometimes see gimmicky ads claiming you do not need to exercise to lose weight but remember that "fast and easy" sells. It is simply a marketing ploy to get you to part with your hard earned dollars.

If you are going to do this right and want results that are permanent exercising is not an option. You can start today and start feeling the benefits immediately.

Try and avoid crash dieting and fight the urge to lose weight quickly by using inferior techniques. Always remember that the quicker you lose weight the higher the chances are of it returning again.

3. You Must Eat Healthy Food for Optimal Results

Unless you were genetically blessed with a lightning fast metabolism (and I am assuming you are not) it is best to eat as healthy as you can. It is not only how much you eat but what you eat that will determine your success.

Which do you think is better for you - a burger and fries or brown rice and chicken breasts? Do you think they will have the same effect on your body? Yes, it is possible to lose weight eating less nutritious foods but why make things harder on yourself?

Try eating natural foods that are not processed. A lot of the chemicals contained in heavily processed foods will actually slow down or even stop weight loss.

Eating healthy does not need to be bland. All it takes is a little practice and persistence along with a little trial and error. Over a period of time you will find tons of foods and even recipes that you will love.

Remembering these 3 fat burning tips will set the stage for safe, natural and permanent weight loss. Doing things right from the beginning will actually end up saving you more time and energy than if you try and take short cuts.
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