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The Truth Behind Losing Weight Myths

If you want to learn the secrets to long-term weight loss and staying healthy, you need to let go of the idea that there is some "miracle" diet or piece of equipment that will cause those pounds to magically drop off and mean you'll be trim, fit and looking fabulous without any effort on your part. Fad diets, misinformation and ineffective products play on this idea, and make someone a lot of money -- these aren't the way to lasting weight loss. Instead, take control by learning the truth behind last year's often repeated losing weight myths and getting on the road to taking control of your weight, and your health in 2009.

Losing weight is possible, IF you're willing to have an open mind, work on a program that's based on accurate exercise science and avoid the common (so often repeated) weight loss myths.

According to certified personal fitness trainer Julio Salado, here are the top ten myths of 2008, and the truths behind them.

Myth #1: No Fat Diets -- Rather than banning all fats from your diet, learn to tell the difference between good (polyunsaturated fats) and bad (trans fat) fats. Not all fats are bad, and some can actually be helpful to your body. Learn to tell the difference.

Myth #2: No Carb Diets -- Again, don't cut all carbs, as these are your bodies main source of energy... we need them to some extent. Instead, eat complex carbs like potatoes and veggies rather than simple carbohydrates like white flour and sugary drinks. Limit the bad ones, while allowing the other types.

Myth #3: Workouts For Flat Tummies -- If you're always working on your abdominals, this can lead to an increase in muscle imbalances and affect your posture. Whole body workouts burn more calories and are therefore more effective.

Myth #4: Clothing That Promotes Weight Loss -- Wearing plastic gear like shirts or pants to improve your weight loss is a total myth. What this does is cause your body to lose more water and ups your risk of dehydration while also lessening your cardio/endurance potential. Lose the gimmicky gear and keep the workout.

Myth #5: Fasting And Workouts -- Your body is a machine, and if you don't give it enough fuel it will have an internal breakdown of muscle, organs, balance, coordination and mental clarity. Fasting tells the brain to signal the body to save energy, and the body's favorite source of energy to save is... fat.

Myth #6: Depending On The Gym -- If you think you have to be at the gym (or use some trendy piece equipment) in order to lose weight, you're limiting your options and giving yourself a built in excuse (not enough time) to miss workouts. Instead, look for everyday ways to be more active, taking the stairs not the escalator, walking rather than driving... any simple, low cost activity can do the trick.

Myth #7: No Time -- Any weight loss plan depends on how much energy you spend, compared to the number of calories you take in. It's that simple. If you have time to eat, then you have time to eat healthy, and this will trigger a healthy response in your body, upping your fat burning potential.

Myth #8: Repetition Frequency -- Base your number of repetitions on your current fitness level, nothing else. Beginners should start with reps of 8-12 so they get the technique and make the most of muscle conditioning. After a few weeks you can increase the weight and decrease your reps to 6-8 to promote muscle growth. Remember more lean muscle mass will increase your metabolism.

Myth #9: Long Cardio Workouts -- Though the thinking persists, the laws of diminishing returns apply here. As your body adapts to the long workout you'll lose less body fat (the well known plateau) per workout, you'll also tend to lose more lean muscle mass, plus your metabolism won't be encouraged to speed up.

Myth #10: Happiness Depends On Your Weight -- Even though movies and TV give us the expectation that reaching that "goal weight" will somehow bring happiness and a solution to every problem... the reality is just the opposite. Happiness comes from more than a number on the scale, but rather from living a healthy lifestyle, as well as having faith, family and friends... these are the things that give your life lasting meaning.

So in 2009 make sure you don't get sucked in by any losing weight myths.
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