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How to Lose Weight For Life - 3 Techniques For Losing Weight and Fats

Are you among those people looking for tips on how to lose weight for life? It is very common these days to hear people discussing this topic, weight loss. Overweight has been an issue due to lifestyle and poor feeding habits. If your feeding habits are poor and again your lack to exercise, you start gaining fats and finally gaining in weight. You are not alone my friend. The good news is that, here below I have a few tips to help you lose weight for life.

There are two competing theories for getting six pack abs and a really lean body. These are:

(a) Workout hard and diet all the time.

(b) Workout smart and eat great food.

As you might have guessed, I prefer the second option. There is a reason why it works better too. It is all about choosing the right exercises and the right foods for smart-body success, let nobody tell you anything different.

Are we together so far... ? Keep reading. Here below, I will discuss with you three methods to take care of this issue of losing weight and fats.

By choosing exercises that produce an 'after-burn effect,' known as, Exercise Post-Oxygen Consumption, you are essentially choosing the smarter path. There are 3 main principles that govern what I teach - I like to refer to this as my 3M Method For quick Fat Loss:

Multi-Planar Movement + Movement Complexes + Muscle Balancing

Multi-Planar Movement (3D Movement):

Most people exercise in one plane or direction of movement, sometimes two. For example, people often do pull ups, bicep curls, squats, lunges, etc. These are all movements that are in the forward/backward plane of movement. They do not move side to side or with rotation.

Without focusing on workouts that incorporate 3D Movement, it is impossible not to build muscular imbalances, and your body will see this as artificial. It will protect you from potential harm, and it will not respond by activating more muscles in daily life. Without this, it ultimately becomes more difficult to move towards a leaner body.

Movement Complexes:

Basically, it is important that you link many exercises together without a rest break. In doing so, you are e allowing your anaerobic system to become fatigued, while also simultaneously gaining an aerobic effect from your exercise program. I recommend the following arrangement, all without resting the weight you're using:






The reason for this method of movement complexes, is because it alternates 'pushing' and 'pulling' muscles of both my upper and lower body while also exhausting my entire body before a rest break. Finally, I always end with a 'test' on my core by doing some sort of funny, super-advanced plank. This basically tells me whether or not I have enough stability left to keep exercising, and it re-trains my nervous system to recruit centrally before the following giant Set.

Muscle Balancing:

This is where things get really awesome. Did you know that Time Magazine consistently picks the best looking person in America by symmetry? I know you are not aware of this. It's true - human beings love symmetry, and your brain knows this.

Symmetry is important for proper nervous system communication from your brain to your muscles & joints. It is important front to back, side to side, and top to bottom. In other words, you can't have a big torso and chicken legs, or your body will tell you to stop growing. Similarly, you cannot have an enormous right biceps and mini left biceps. Your brain will tell you to stop growing, and go slow.

By muscle balancing, you are attempting to communicate with your nervous system and say "I am ready for more strength." Until you say so, it just will not understand you.

Additionally, I like to incorporate Energy System Training. By utilizing all 3 energy systems (ATP-PC, Anaerobic & Aerobic), you are stimulating a greater metabolic demand from your body with exercise. This, in turn, results in greater caloric expenditure, and more effort from your body to replenish its energy source. Each time your body works through this recovery phase, it continues to burn calories long after you leave the gym.

Basically, by working out with the three method for quick fat loss, you are going to work all 3 energy systems, automatically, and you are going to burn calories for days to come. It is such a fantastic feeling the first time that you see these results.

It is even a better feeling when you realize that by applying these simple principles, you are actually going to get results faster and faster & faster. It is time to end the struggle with extreme dieting, time to conquer your body once and for all. And also time to overcome bad genes and work on a metabolic shift through proper exercise program design and implementation.

Therefore , it is time to arm yourself to the teeth with the three methods for quick fat loss, and you will find your dream for how to lose weight for life come true sooner than you thought.
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