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A Few Essential Losing Weight Ideas For The Holiday Season

The holiday season is often filled with endless parties, office socializing and family visits. These events put pressure on us to look our best, but at the same time, good food often surrounds us. Some people's weight loss efforts can be sabotaged by this holiday surfeit, but if you put some thought into it beforehand and use lose weight tips for the holiday season, you can avoid becoming one of them.

If you are already on a diet that's working for you, plan to maintain it through the holidays. But often, a diet that is perfectly workable the rest of the year is too strict for the holiday season, so consider loosening the rules a little. That way you won't feel like a failure when you just have to eat a brownie now and then.

One good small change to make is to allow yourself a certain amount of dessert food (decide how much beforehand) at every party or get-together where you know there will be lots of good food. If you've got so many of them to go to that you feel this would be detrimental to your weight loss effort, pick one a week. A few cookies won't destroy your hard work, but it might keep you from giving up on it all together.

Purchase a new outfit for the holidays that you think you look good in. Knowing that you look good in it will help you keep your resolve and stick to your dessert limit at parties. Putting on the outfit and standing in front of a mirror for a few minutes before cooking or serving food that you are tempted by can also help to harden your resolve.

Everyone knows that not having things they'd like to eat in the house is the best remedy for avoidance, but sometimes that just isn't practical. If not making certain holiday foods isn't practical for you, try not to end up making your favorites. If there's something that you don't like but others do, making it won't tempt you the same way. If you have to make something you love, attempt not to have leftovers, or give them away.

A common temptation is to eat lightly or not at all the day of a party, and then 'spend' your daily allowance. But eating this way can end up with you eating a lot more than you should, so eat something filling immediately before, instead. Vegetable soup and salads are good choices. By not being hungry, you'll put yourself in control of your choices about what to eat.

If, despite all your planning, you do wind up eating a lot more than you'd like, don't attempt to make up for it by eating less at the next party or meal. It's hard to stick to a strict diet at the best of time, and the holidays are not the best of times for dieters. Instead, try to forgive and forget your momentary lapse, and return to your diet the way you decided before the upset.

The holidays are a hard time for lots of reasons. For people struggling with their waistlines, it can be a potential disaster. But this disaster can be averted by some pre-holiday planning using lose weight tips for the holiday season, and by being forgiving with yourself. You are not completely in control of your appetite, so the best you can do is try to manage it. Consider making maintenance rather than weight loss your goal for the duration of the holiday season.
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