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Tips On Learning To Cope With Sleep Apnea

TIP! Check with your doctor to see which CPAP equipment is best to treat your sleep apnea. The size of the machine and the loudness are both things that need to be considered.

Many people make the mistake in believing that continued tiredness for months on end is just a fact of life and nothing can be done about it. Fortunately, this isn’t true. Sleep apnea might be the cause of sleeping problems and everyone should be aware of it.

Sleep Apnea

TIP! Sleep while on your side. Sleeping on your back is attributed to a lot of people who suffer with sleep apnea.

Try getting rid of bad habits to better your sleep apnea. Two of the biggest problems are drinking and smoking. The muscle-relaxing effects of alcohol are very hard on the whole respiratory system and lead to significant breathing problems. Inflammation and narrowing of the air passages is extremely dangerous for those who suffer from sleep apnea. These are both habits which can make sleep apnea worse.

TIP! Sleep apnea generally is diagnosed by studying your medical and family history and having a thorough physical exam. In addition, sleep studies could be performed.

A common reason for sleep apnea to occur is increased weight. If this happens to be the problem then anyone dealing with sleep apnea should immediately shed this weight. There should be a weight loss plan in place that restricts calories. Exercising should be a part of this plan as well. Some amount of carbohydrate restriction is beneficial for many who are trying to lose weight as well.

TIP! Do not take sleeping pills if you have sleep apnea. Sleeping pills can make your throat relax which prevents your airways from functioning properly.

If you have narrow air passages, consider a mouth guard. Devices like these can align your airways properly to allow you better sleep. Consult with a doctor or get a mouth guard made if you are suffering.

TIP! To get a diagnosis for sleep apnea, your doctor may have you write a sleep log. Keep track of how long you are able to sleep at night, as well as anything else related to your sleeping process.

If you’re using a CPAP, use it a minimum of four hours nightly. Unfortunately, adjusting to this device while sleeping can be hard for some people. In order for your CPAP therapy to be effective, you need to use it at least four hours a day. As you become more accustomed to the sleep mask, you should be able to wear it longer.

TIP! Don’t forget to bring your CPAP along when you need to stay in the hospital. Your CPAP is set to your specifications so it will be easier for medical staff to help you out because you already have your own device.

You should now be more aware of the dangers of sleep apnea and will be better equipped to watch for its symptoms. Don’t let someone make you think that being tired all the time is perfectly normal or that this article shouldn’t be discussed with a doctor.

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