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Eating Habits That Can Undermine Your Weight-Loss Diet

So, all those scrimping and self-control were useless. For weeks, you have watched yourself transform into a madman, doing things much like what hungry werewolves or vampires do; but still your weighing scale pointer doesn’t go below 250. What is happening with you?

Well, the truth is that dieting alone may not be the best way to solve your weight problems. It still deals with food and the chance that you could slip back into your old eating habits is huge. Almost all dieters experience hunger pangs, increased cravings and even compulsive preoccupation with food. These habits may do you more harm than good.

Simply put, there are eating habits that can sabotage your diet program and take your body as hostage. And your best bet is to identify these treacherous eating patterns. Here are some of the most common misconceptions or misunderstandings about eating which can totally ruin your plans of making the cast of Baywatch 2020.

Skipping Breakfast

People believe that by skipping breakfast, they are reducing the number of calories they eat in a day. However, several studies have confirmed that people who skip the first meal of the day are usually heavier than those who do not fail to eat breakfast. Experts say that when you skip breakfast, you end up eating more during the day. Thus, the calories you saved from eating breakfast were offset by the additional servings you ate during lunch and dinner.

Speed Eating

It usually takes 20 minutes before your mind acknowledges that you are already full. Thus, people who eat fast end up eating more. If you want to lose weight, you have to eat slowly and chew your food carefully. Sometimes, it is better to eat with friends so that you end up talking more and eating less.

Mindless Munching

Maybe out of habit, some people just eat because they have gotten used to doing it. Popcorn during movies, chips while watching the TV, and a chocolate bar while reading a book or magazine are all contributing to your weight gain. The sacrifices you made during lunch and dinner will have no effect if you keep on snacking on fatty or sugary food.

Big Serving Portions

In the US and elsewhere, restaurants vary in the serving sizes of food. Thus, when going out, you have to know the size of the meals being served in your chosen restaurant. Ask the attendants about the size of their servings; never judge the size of a meal according to the pictures on the wall or menu. If indeed the restaurant does not serve small servings, you can always ask the attendant to serve just half of your order while you take the other half home.

High-Calorie Beverages

Aside from water, most of beverages have calories too. Thus, you also need to choose your beverage. Instead of drinking sweetened fruit juice, just gulp on freshly squeezed fruit juice. Instead of ordering a big cup of coffee with whipped cream, you can opt to order brewed unsweetened coffee instead. However, if you really need to lose a lot of weight, it would be better if you just stick to water.

All the dieting methods available in the world may fail to help you attain your ideal weight. And voodoo has nothing to do with it! The factors mentioned above may ruin all the efforts that you’ve put out for your weight loss program. What you can do is try your best to stay away from things that could once more trip you into a buffet-mindset.

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