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10 Lbs. To Lose? Get Really Mad At Yourself, Then Plan Out Your Weight Loss, Or Diet

The word diet would indicate something temporary maybe you have some quick weight to lose and then you will be done. If you have twenty or more Lbs. to lose and you have struggled with weight most of your life then you need to learn that a diet is something a person goes on to lose a small amount of weight and then goes back to their normal routine again.

What you need to do under these circumstances is to realize that you need something a little more permanent, you need to change your eating habits for good, rather then go on a diet, a complete change of your normal eating pattern is what the doctor would order. Learn to stay away from the word “Diet”

Changing your eating habits is not as difficult as one would think, keep thinking why you are doing it in the first place, maybe you want to lose weight to look better in your clothes, which is great, maybe a wedding is coming up, the list could go on and on, the main reason should be health related.

Getting your weight down in proportion to your height should be your goal, being at this weight will give you an entire realm of health benefits, lower chances of a heart attack, lower blood pressure, less chance of disease, and the list of benefits could go on and on as well.

There are many different reasons why someone may want to lose weight, but it’s a pretty safe bet that almost everybody will want to at some point in their lives. Losing weight will make you feel and look better, and will increase your self confidence. An excellent place to start for most people is to set a goal to lose 10 pounds. Like in many other aspects of life, the key to achieving your goal – to lose 10 pounds – lies in proper planning and execution.

Everybody is different. We all have different lifestyles, schedules and abilities, and it’s important that this is kept in mind when approaching your project of losing 10 pounds. Before you actually begin trying to lose the weight, you must decide on a realistic plan that is right for you.

The worst thing you can do is set a plan that will be unrealistic for you to achieve. If, for example, you’re an extremely busy working parent, don’t create a plan for yourself that entails exercising 10-15 hours a week, as chances are you’re going to fail, which will only end up making you feel worse about yourself.

Every weight loss attempt should ideally be composed of both dietary changes and an increase in exercise. Depending on your situation, you may want to focus on one more than the other.

If, for example, you want to lose 10 pounds but don’t have time for lots of exercise, you might want to focus on your diet, which after all requires more discipline than time.

When looking at your weight loss plan, do some research and come up with some healthy meal ideas that you don’t normally eat. Plan to eat these new meals on a regular basis. You want to break your plan into as many small steps as possible, so that you provide yourself with many small, achievable goals.

Remember the old saying, you must first crawl , walk and then run, don’t try to do to much too soon. For example, you may decide to research your new meal on Monday, buy the ingredients on Tuesday, and make it on Wednesday. Not only does this split the work up – if you leave it all to one day it’s far more likely you won’t have the time to do it – but it creates a constant sense of accomplishment.

Now let’s say your plan to lose 10 pounds is going to be mainly through exercise. Again, don’t plan to “exercise 10 hours a week” because what will probably happen is you’ll put it off all week and then won’t have time for it. You want to plan to exercise for an hour a day, and you want to try and incorporate that exercise into other activities.

Get yourself motivated and stay motivated, it’s all too easy to read a book or listen to a motivational speaker and get all excited about losing weight and you say to yourself “this is it” I’m really going to stick with it this time. This is a good thing, sometimes we need to get really mad at ourselves before we finally do something about it at.

The problem is we don’t stay mad enough. Whatever got you fired up in the first place, keep doing it or listening to it, stay motivated and you will have a huge advantage with your weight loss goal.

At least half the battle with trying to lose 10 pounds is one of discipline: as anyone who has been on a diet or exercise regimen will tell you, it’s easy to start a diet but hard to stick with it.

Stay with it and you will be very proud of yourself as will others around you, remember that it will all be worth it, to look better, feel better, have more energy and know that inside your body is improving as well and your will add years to your life.

Michael Gregory had a heart attack at the age of only 39 due to being overweight and not getting enough exercise. Now in terrific shape He gives credit to losing the weight to the “Apple Patch Diet” You can learn more here: http://www.NothingToLoseButTheFat.com

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