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Does Hypnosis Help With Weight Loss?

The efficacy of hypnosis is really more dependent of the person trying to lose weight, not the hypnotist. The hypnotist provides another psychological tool to the person attempting to lose weight. This idea, of ultimate dependence on the patient for results, is often not well appreciated by the dieter and hypnotist alike. Normally, when we consult a doctor about an injury or illness, our role as “patients” is seen as a largely passive one , we are required merely to take the prescribed drugs. The professional’s skill in selecting and carrying out the correct treatment is seen as the crucial factor for successful recovery. The use of hypnosis for weight reduction does not follow this script. With weight reduction hypnosis, the therapist only provides psychological tool, encouragement, and advice to help you lose weight. The results attained by the patient are primarily predicated on the ability to the patient to comprehend, and implement the treatment regimen. However, when engaging in a quick weight loss regimen, hypnosis can provide assistance.

Unfortunately, there is no way to lose weight without a lot of work and effort. All the current slimming pills, devices and surgical procedures for weight loss are of limited effectiveness. Numerous drastic weight loss plans have untoward side effects and should only be utilized in dire cases. Many weight loss products and devices are frankly, fraudulent. For long term weight reduction, the body must be in a state of negative nitrogen balance for an extended time period, however, the human body has built in mechanisms to thwart this effort. The body attempts to conserve energy, this mechanism can serve to encourage excess calorie intake, and it makes weight reduction painful and difficult. Everyone has a build in weight conservation mechanism that serves to conserve the body’s energy resources.

When we diet we are trying to resist these powerful, natural urges that normally prevent energy deficit. Various medications that suppress our appetite, changes to our diet, and hypnosis can help. At the end of the day, the dieter is still going to have to exert great will power and endure discomfort to achieve results. Regardless of the obstacles, if you can remain in a state of energy deficit for a long time period, the weight will come off. Weight loss is not impossible for anyone if they are determined enough, persistent enough and if they have a sound weight loss program. You can see that the your body metabolism attempts to adjust to mitigate your rapid weight loss efforts.

Our difficulties with weight, stem from our own dietary and exercise habits. In general, we eat too much of the wrong foods, and engage in too few physical activities. This fact has advanced the healthcare and weight-loss industries as the largest in our society today. People that are desperate for a remedy, seek out all kinds of unorthodox treatments to lose weight, such as hypnosis and accupuncture. There is still no concrete evidence to validate these therapies. However, if you want to try weight loss hypnosis, try to have an open mind but do not count on it working. Weight loss results have been achieved, via hypnosis, for individuals who have a problem controlling their urge to eat in excess.

What you are trying to achieve by using weight loss hypnosis is a change in your eating habits or your set point that will keep you healthy and allow you to eat enough to reach and maintain your ideal weight. With the help of hypnosis, if you reduce your weight and maintain it for three years, a new set point will be established for your body, at this point weight maintenance will be easier. Think of your weight loss hypnosis as a thermostat that regulates your weight. Of course you must follow a reduce calorie diet and exercise, in addition to hypnosis. And as with any professional service, validate the hypnotist’s credentials and check references.

To see how you can lose weight rapidly visit us at:: quick weight loss To learn how to maintain your losses for the long term go to: how to lose weight

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