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What A Difference A Calorie Makes In A Fast Weight Loss Diet

First of all, I would like to say, as someone who has dieted in one way, shape, or form all of her adult life; that diets do not work. Even these travesties that are forced on us by well meaning dietitians and weight loss gurus—-this so called fast weight loss diet—-are a joke. You starve yourself primarily is what takes place, you lose tens of pounds, look great for a few weeks, and then go back to normal food and whammo—-back comes all the lost weight and more with it, just for spite.

The fast weight loss diet works while you are on it, but most of them are not designed for long term use; they are what they say they are—-for fast weight loss, then you move on to something else to maintain your lost poundage. But—–and this is a big but——a lot of the weight lost on these diets is water weight and then you are in starvation conditions, so your body pulls its caloric needs from your stored fat, but also attacks the muscles for energy stores; and you are defeating the purpose of the diet in the first place.

When you cut back your intake of food drastically, your body sends out an APB to all its parts telling them to stop running at the speed they are now at, and slow down, conserve, don’t overdo it, we “ain’t gittin” enough food to stay at this speed. So, your metabolism slows down, your poor body has to shut down its natural design for operation, and conform to a starvation mode of operation. Sure, you’ll lose weight, but you can’t stay on a starvation diet forever, so once you abandon the fast weight loss diet, you are now ready to put those pounds back on big time—–and put them on you will, every time.

Some of the fast weight loss diet plans that are out there, either free on the Internet, or for sale; are potentially harmful to your overall health. Do you think all these do-gooders who represent the weight loss company have your best health interests at heart? The answer is a resounding NO. They are in the game to make as much money as they can off your woe, and then disappear into the fog as quickly as they came once their ineffectiveness or danger has been found out. And a lot of these products are really dangerous: if you have an underlying medical condition, such as heart disease, or liver problems; these diets can wreak havoc with your system and make you really sick, or in extreme cases, kill you.

So what are we going to do about this dilemma of how fast to take this weight off, and the potential side effects of using a fast weight loss diet. For one thing, most nutritionists do not recommend these quickie fix types of diets because they put a strain on your being, both physical and mental, and they usually do not work very well. Oh sure, you will lose weight if you starve yourself; but that’s not a smart way to approach this. Your body is a marvelous machine, designed by Nature to run a certain way, and if it took you years to pile all this unwanted weight on, then you should take it off the same way—-you chowed down one burger and fries at a time and had a wonderful time—-and now it’s time to get out the lettuce leaves and have at it.

Take for example, one of the fast weight loss diet plans that is out there and very popular today. It is the one where you are under the care of a physician and get weekly shots of vitamins and who knows what else, while you are on a diet of almost no food that would make an ant weep. You are basically following a starvation diet, and forcing your body to pull its fat reserves for fuel, and as a result you lose weight. But, wait a minute. Before you run down to the nearest clinic—-ask anyone who has done these diets, which are quite expensive, by the way; are they still slim and trim and sans the extra weight? Almost always, you will find the answer is no, because they have not learned to eat and live differently from before, just starved the weight off and now it is back on.

There are many modified eating plans available for those of us who need to lose weight and are thinking about using a fast weight loss diet, simply because we cannot stand looking at ourselves another minute and need something done right away. Some of these quicky diets can be used to jump start your weight loss plan, but don’t rely on them solely. Nature has designed your body to run in a certain way, and no amount of tinkering on your part will change that; in order to keep the weight off once you have lost it, you need to alter your previous lifestyle and eating habits. They were bad for you in the past, and if you don’t change, you will stay fat forever.

Kelly Lord likes to discuss various topics including Fast Weight Loss Diet. For more information on Fast Weight Loss Tips visit our site.

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