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The Secret To Long Term Consistent Weight Loss And A Healthier, Sexier Body

There was an interesting study published recently that showed most people’s new years resolutions last only a week at best. If you are a member of a gym, you may have noticed the surge in exercisers around the first two weeks of January.

Going back to that same gym bears this out, as the February and March crowd is much smaller than the first week of January crowd.

Why is this? If you’ve ever tried to go on diet or an exercise program, you know difficult it can be to maintain your motivation over time. If only your weight would drop off as quickly as your motivation.

Even with the most important and noble reasons in the world, most diets don’t last more than a couple weeks. We need something besides willpower.

One way that has worked for hundreds of thousands of people who have been able to lose weight and keep it off is to make slow but consistent lifestyle changes.

If you suddenly started eating nothing but tofu and rice, it might work for a couple days. After those couple days, however, you’d quickly get sick of them and crave a cheeseburger.

The reason is that because suddenly going to the gym every night for an hour is such a radical change. And one thing about people, is we don’t like change. We like what is familiar.

In order to get around this quirky human behavior, just make small, consistent adjustments that will add up over time. These will be much easier to keep up, and will quickly become part of your daily routine.

And after a few weeks or months of consistent small adjustments, working out every day, eating healthy, and having men lust after your sexy body will be automatic.

If you want to find out the easiest and fastest way to lose weight, have a look at Cindy Burgenstein’s fastest way to lose weight page.

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