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Weight loss Lies Quit Your Success

Are fat loss lies ruining your chances of success?

I sincerely hope that your 2007 workout, weight loss, and nutrition plan is
already wildly successful and that you’re well on your way to
achieving your fat loss and fitness goals. But if you aren’t, let
me know why and what I can do to help.

Numerous people’s programs suffer from misconceptions about fat
loss – i.e. that cardio must be carried out everyday – and also false
perceptions about how nicely they’re eating.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of client evaluations forms in my career,
and just recently I reviewed five much more for a transformation program we
are working on over at Men’s Health magazine.

And time and time once more I see the exact same issue.

I’ve one question on my feedback form that asks the client:

“Do you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables?”

Nearly everytime the client’s answer is “Yes”.

On the next page, I’ve the client list their food intake.

And guess what rarely shows up?

If you guessed fruits and vegetables, you’d get a prize if I were
giving them away.

There are too many inconsistencies in our thoughts and actions when
it comes to weight loss.

And the misguided notions that well-meaning fitness articles heap on
us merely adds to the ever-growing confusion.

Here I wish to shed some light on some of the most common
misconceptions about training and dieting for fat loss.

The much more I discuss weight reduction and read the research, the much more I
understand fat loss results come from your nutrition, and that
training is just a relatively small part of the equation.

But understanding this “truth” allows me to confidently design shorter
fat loss workouts than most people traditionally use or expect are

Listen, you can invest 60 minutes on a cardio machine if you want.
Certain you’ll burn 500 calories during that session, but your
metabolism won’t be substantially elevated following physical exercise AND
you will still need to discover some time to do the mandatory strength
training that a stunning and healthy body requires.

Or you are able to do what I suggest…

Scrap the long, slow, excruciatingly boring cardio workouts and
instead stick to a much more manageable approach of…

A bodyweight movement warmup (5 minutes)
Strength Training Supersets (20 minutes)
Interval Training (20 minutes)

Carried out only three times per week, these 45 minute workouts still burn
lots of calories throughout training (300-400 calories), but the
workouts also boost your metabolism for hours and hours (some
research suggests up to a day along with a half!), consequently burning far
much more NET calories AND fat than slow, mind-numbing cardio.

All you really require are some short intense training sessions to
increase your metabolism and sculpt your body. And then you truly
just have to trust your nutrition to strip the fat.

Take a look at it this way…envision you’re carving an ice sculpture out
of a block of ice. Your nutrition would be responsible for lopping
off the large chunks to get down to only the amount of ice you
require…and the workouts could be responsible
for chiseling in the details of your final sculpture.

As regardless of how much confusing info there’s about
physical exercise, the debate over the best method to eat for fat loss is
always a lot more ridiculous.

As far as dieting misconceptions go, I think too many nutritionists
are trading political correctness for results. In my opinion, PC
diets don’t work.

Take a take a look at the American Diabetes Association…they still make
room for sugar in a diabetic’s diet plan – because they don’t want to
deprive anybody of sugar.

Nicely that’s not going to work. You have to make sacrifices. You
need to stick to at least a 90% nutrition compliance if you want
big-time results.

You can’t go with the political correct approach of “having a
small bit of your favorite foods everyday so that you don’t
deprive yourself”.

Think about the person that has your dream body – whether or not it is a
cover model, your neighbor, a TV star, or the fittest individual down
at your gym. Do you think they haven’t created sacrifices? Obviously
they’ve. They’ve done the work to get their reward.

Now its your turn!

You need to get strict and stick to whole, natural foods (fruits,
vegetables, meat, fish, and nuts) in the event you wish to succeed.

You need to accept that each and every action has consequences…

In the event you want to live a way of life where you don’t deprive yourself of
daily treats, that is fine. But realize the consequence of this
action will probably be that you’ll always remain a couple of pounds of fat away
from your goal.

According to your actions, you value your treats higher than you
value your fat loss success.

But in the event you location your desire for fat loss success above your desire
to eat junk, than the consequences will be that you’ll reach your
body composition goals. It is that simple. We all get what we
deserve and unless someone is holding a fork to your mouth, you are
responsible for your own success.

And my last “non-PC” tip on dieting…almost all the people that
tell me they’re consuming very well are lying to themselves and to
me – as I mentioned before based on my client feedback experiences.

So do what Dr. John Berardi calls a compliance grid. Take a piece of
paper and make a 6×7 grid (6 meals over 7 days). Then check off
every time you eat according to strategy and mark an “X” for every time
you miss your objectives.

Realize that you only have 4 mistake meals for an whole week if
you would like to stick to the 90% compliance.

Most of the time this is really a bucket-of-cold-water-to-the-face wake up
call to people. They quickly realize their nutrition compliance is
much closer to 75% than 90%…and that explains why they aren’t
obtaining anywhere.

So the bottom line for fat loss:

1) Nutrition is where the hard work really is for fat loss.

two) The workouts don’t have to be super-long to get fat loss
results. You just need short, intense, and efficient. And that’s
what my workouts are all about. Absolutely nothing fancy, no rocket science,
just Fun workouts which are over rapidly…and who wouldn’t want
that considering today’s busy lifestyles.

This article contain a very interesting stuff about heallth and fitness like interval training workouts and the other one related to weight loss likefat loss workouts i hope it very help for all in fitness issues.

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