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Fast Weight Loss Free: How to Lose Those Extra Pounds and Keep Them Off

Getting rid of the weight gradually is the most beneficial way to get the figure you want. Other than striving for rapid weight loss which is very difficult, shedding the weight in 1-2 lb increments is much healthier. Many ways are available to get rid of an extra 10 lbs in a week or so, but very few actually work. Even worse, many of these quick-fix diets recommend fasting or extreme juice diets.

Still confused which dieting techniques you should try to help you lose the weight, here is a 7 day meal-plan you may want to try. Simply follow these basic steps and you will see a slightly slimmer you in about a week.

First Day

On the first day of the diet, it is important to condition the body. You can do this by taking a detox diet. Not only will this help the body lose weight faster but cleanse it as well. Start the day by mixing a cup of lemon juice, slices of ginger and honey with one cup of water.

Remember to make enough lemon-ginger detoxifier for the remaining 24 hours. You will want to drink 8 oz or so when you start to feel the urge to snack.

On Day 2

It is important to limit the amount of food you eat to help your body lose weight fast. However, don’t forget to eat healthy and incorporate lots of fruits and vegetables to your meals. You can also eat meat but remember to chose lean ones or opt for white meat like chicken or fish instead.

Starting Day 3

Now that you are comfortable with your dieting regimen, you need to add some Fiber. You can accomplish this with 2 apple slices and one cup of black beans with your meal. If you decide on another protein, you may choose chicken or fish in 3 oz filets. This Fiber is helping to boost your cleanse and jump start your weight loss.

Day Four

During the fourth day of the diet, start eating heavy breakfast mostly consisting of grains and cereals. Again, fiber is very important because it really does wonders for the digestive system. As for your dinner, remember to eat the meal before seven o’clock. Eating after seven in the evening or hours before sleep can restrict the body from properly digesting your meal.

Day 5

Now remember to always be aware of your calorie intake in your previous days, especially since you have started your new diet. Once you are comfortable with this concept start to eat small portions 5 or 6 times throughout the day. This proves a great technique to aid in faster weight loss.

Day 6

During this time, you must be able to limit your sugar and fat intake. If not, try to limit your consumption further. There are other healthier alternatives for these kinds of foods. For instance, instead of eating ice cream for dessert, eat yogurt. They are healthier and provide the body with helpful and healthy bacteria.

Day Seven

Utilize more fresh fruit and never consume packaged juices or fruit snacks. Another alternative is fresh squeezed vegetable and fruit juices minus the sugar and unneeded additives. If you prefer you can stop consuming all juices and drinks and substitute with a delicious green tea with honey or Agave nectar served hot or chilled over ice. Yummy

Keeping your healthy diet going is not necessary if you lost the weight you desired, but… you may want to prolong the benefits for many years to come. This will undoubtedly continue to help you lose weight and build nutritious building blocks for life.

Looking to find the best deal on weight loss products, then visit http://www.fastweightlossfree.com to find the best advice on fast weight loss for free.

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