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How to measure weight loss without a scale

Tracking weight loss without a scale

Measuring weight loss without a scale

The scale isn’t always kind, but that doesn’t have to deter your weight-loss goals.
When you are working hard, you can keep track of your progress without the scale entirely.

Ways to measure weight loss

If you (like countless other women the world over) need to find an alternative way to make sure you’re dropping weight, you’ve come to the right place. Here are five of my top tracking methods.

1. Track your movements

You’ve probably seen a bunch of people sharing their daily steps online and wondered what the fuss was about. Tracking your steps has become a perfect way to keep tabs on your progress. Counting steps translates to how many calories you’re burning daily, which also means you’re burning fat ... and who doesn’t love that idea?

2. Take progress photos

It’s time to get snap happy and take a photo of yourself – preferably just in your skivvies. Make sure that you take a photo in the same place, with the same pose and in similar clothing, this gives you a much better idea of your progress. Space out the selfies over a few weeks to a month apart so that you can really see a difference in your body over time.

3. Check your skin

I don’t mean with callipers, but that isn’t a terrible idea either! The way that you can check your skin is to see how healthy your skin is looking. When we are healthier, it shows up in our skin and we start to look radiant. After a few weeks of regular exercise, healthy eating and lots of water, you will be likely to notice major improvements in your skin.

4. Test yourself

If you walk up a flight of stairs on a regular basis, check in a few weeks time to see how the ascent feels. Skip taking the lift or escalators and opt for the stairs instead. When you make this switch, you’re not only adding an easy workout to your day, but also a way to measure your fitness levels and progress. The easier taking the stairs becomes, the better you’re doing at reaching your goals.

5. Bring out the jeans

We all have that pair of jeans that we’ve been holding onto for years. You know the pair that you’ve been telling yourself for years that you will fit into again? Go and dig out those jeans and try them on. Yes, it may be scary at first but it is a great way to check your progress without whipping out the scale.

There you go, five great alternatives to the scales ... they are definitely kinder to you and a truer representation of your hard work and effort!

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