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Need to lose 30+ lbs ASAP


I am 5'4" and 130 lbs. I am also 28 years old.  This is simply too much for me to weigh and I need to lose at least 30 lbs, hopefully more.  I can remember a time when I looked much better, and it wasn't that long ago.  About a year and a half ago, I weighed 64 lbs, thanks to dieting and exercise.  I looked beautiful. I must get back there again.  Now.  I was forced into a hospital which overfed me up to 160 lbs, and the moment I got out I started my losing again.  I can't stand to look like a fat blob.  I know my parents think they are helping, but... they really aren't.  I'm an adult now (though they've taken away my medical rights).

So my question is:  I'm already on diet pills, exercising, and dieting.  How can I lose 30+ lbs the quickest?


[email protected]

5'4" and 130 isn't very overweight, although, to be ideal, if you're a medium frame you should aim for 120.

64 lbs is soooooo NOT due to diet and exercise. I've been anorexic and it takes one to know one. I know you.  I also know it (the body that owned you) didn't look beautiful, it looked really sick and you needed the attention of people telling you how thin you looked. I used to believe that if no one mentioned how I looked, I must have needed to lose more weight. If anyone said I looked "good", then it meant I was getting fat.

I can guarentee you that using diet pills and everything else you're doing (or that I did, or that any anorexic does) will either kill you (but you absolutely don't believe that or care) or make your life a living nightmare.

If you have no desire to be a contributory member of life, ever, this is a 'how to'. If you DO want to learn to be something more than a calorie counter, food measure, obsessive-compulsive with a psychological disorder, then check me out... I have a site dedicated to making a difference with people like ME, a lifetime of eating disorders and weight problems.

No sales, no promotions, no gimmicks and no signing in.
 You can also reach me from there (or here). But we both know you have to be ready, otherwise it's just not going to happen.  
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